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Jimin's POV

I paid all the hospital bills in advance to the cashier and headed off to my mother's ward with Jungkook trailing behind me. Eversince the confession, the air between us was awkward. I thought what I was going to say will be weirder but it turns out to be the total opposite.

We arrived in the ward and the tension became thicker. I sat beside my mother's bed and held her hand cautiously, like as if I was holding a rose. She was my only family left and loosing her would mean losing the world.

Her hair was like a soft brown fire on the white pillow. Her skin was pale and her eyes were closed. She looked so at peace that anyone could have thought that she was sleeping. But she wasn't. This horrible- stupidly horrible coma that she's in is killing me. Every time I take a look at the scar that ran from her forehead to her right ear, I regret not being there to protect my mother from the attack. If I was there rather than celebrating with Kai, this never would have happened. I decided to break my thoughts and give my mother a kiss on her forehead.

"Hi, mom. Today, I paid off all your hospital bills from the past and for the future. Don't ask me how I got the money. I did not steal! I swear! I don't do crimes, okay?

"So.. Uhm, It's been long since I visited you. Two months, if I'm not wrong. School's been going on well. I've been trying really hard but I don't know if I can cope- Exams starting soon and I haven't been revising. Ugh, I- I've been- I've been struggling these past few months and.. Life's been really tough on me. I thought I could juggle my time between my job and school like last year, but with the extra shifts and the new subjects I'm taking.. Sigh.

"Everything's so new yet so repeated. Wake up, go to school all morning, then work until night, after that dance lessons and then revision, then good sleep for 3 hours before waking up again. I feel like I'm just living every day like a robot. What I'm scared of is what I'll do after graduation. I mean, what is there for me? A kid with no money but big dreams of becoming a superstar.

"These- these are the things I think of before I sleep and sometimes, those nights when I can't sleep, I wish- I just wish you were there beside me. To comfort me. To reassure me. To love me. I need someone, mom. I- I miss you-"

I felt arms wrapping around my torso as I broke down right in front of the person I swore not to show my emotions to. I cried. I cried my whole heart out. All those unsatisfaction and hurt I've been locking up in my heart poured out through my tears. For once, I felt the warmth that I've been longing for.

Jungkook's POV

I held him close to my chest. I held him so tightly, scared that he might break into pieces if I let him go. I never knew he was so pitiful, so in need of love. I closed my eyes as I breathed in the smell of his hair and realised that it was the same oak tree smell that filled the air.

It was weird how I first stepped into the ward and the smell of the hospital completely vanished, being replaced by this comforting smell. He wanted to smell just like his mother.

When I stood behind him the whole time he was talking to his mother, I heard about the many sacrifices he did for his mom and the struggles he went through. Especially how broke he sounded when he said that he needed someone.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, trying to hold back the tears that wanted to escape. I will be strong for Jimin. I will make sure he doesn't cry like this ever again. I will be that someone.

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