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Jungkook's POV

"Okay let's bring it down a notch a little. It's getting a little hot here, isn't it?"

I wiped some more of the beads of sweat that were constantly reappearing after each swipe against the white cloth. After Cypher, I felt like all of my stress and nervousness that built up within me was let out through the microphone, which is technically not that helpful because I know what's coming next at the back of my mind.

Some of the staff came tottering onto the stage with a pair of chairs in their arms, craddling a little wooden table along, not forgetting the short vase of pink blooming flowers. The melodic background music started and I looked back to the audience and smile.

"I wanted to surprise you guys, my absolutely beautiful beloved fans. This past few months have been.. The most stressful chaotic months I've been through in my life, and believe me, having performance after performance during my world tour was not as tiring as this.

"And then this concert came to me and I figured, since you always see me on the screen, why not, for a change, you see yourselves there?"

The screens flickered on and showed collages of the fan videos. Each of them was a six-seconds video of the fans showing love with their banners, drawings, small parts of dance covers and some with simple heart gestures. The fans squealed and hugged each other when they say theirs on screen.

"You guys, the ones who have supported me and blocked out all of the pessimistic people of the world, I thank you so much for being there for me. Thank you for believing in me," I gleamed and picked up the bouquet of flowers on the table. "But there's one person whom I really want to thank."

"He was the one who suffered more than me the past few months but to this day, he is still the one stronger than me. His image was so closed to be ruined. He fell ill. His mom passed away. But still he apologised for not helping me out with my concert.

"I don't know what I did in this life to deserve him but I know for certain that he is the epitome of my happiness-the epitome of my everything and there's no way on earth I could live without thinking about his beautiful face after the first time I met him."

A picture appeared on the screen behind me. A selca we took that day between our dance practice for the song. The sides of my lips tugged upwards and I turned back to look at Jimin cutely gaping at the picture.

"Park Jimin, may you come forward?"

Third person's POV

It was as if Jimin was in Tao's pathcode. Everything was freezing and he was there with his feet rooted to the ground. All he could see within peripherical view was Jungkook's hand that was held out for him to reach. He moved his gaze to Jungkook's face and saw him nodding slightly. It somehow reminded him of the movies he watched with Taehyung when Jungkook wasn't around. They specifically watchhed this one twice, the one about the poor theif with his pet monkey and genie. It was like he was in the same scene as Jasmine was when Aladdin was asking her to jump onto the magic carpet, asking her to trust him. Jimin felt flustered for awhile, realising how he was Jungkook's one and only. He lifted his right hand from his side and fitted it perfectly into Jungkook's. He decided it was time to trust Jungkook to lead him into a new world full of adventures, sweet memories and definitely more concerts.

The guards held back the other fans from crossing the border and made was fot Jimin to come through. Say that this only happens in dreams and imaginations but they way they shared their smile was like how the dun shared its glory with the moon. They stopped at the center of the stage and Jungkook headed over to pull Jimin's chair out for him. He took his seat comfortably and faced the floor, too embarassed to face the crowd. Jungkook noticed his shy behaviour and pulled Jimin's chin up with his thumb after sitting down.

"You don't need to be shy," Jungkook whispered, caressing his chin lightly. He brought his other hand that was holding his mike up and spoke through it.

"Our first date wasn't really that fantastic or wonderful. Just a simple quick breakfast at a coffee shop and our first kiss but that was it. So.. I kinda wondered if it was a good idea reliving it on stage in front of everyone, not needing to hide anything. I made it a little more romantic with flowers, see?" He nodded his head abruptly at the vase before removing his hand from Jimin's chin and onto his hand, clutching it under the table.
"Your opinions Park Jimin?" He passed the mike to Jimin, hoping he'd be courageous enough to grab hold onto it. And he was.

"You're an idiot, Kookie," Jimin mumbled, causing heaps of laughter to erupt from the audience after Jimin's sassy remark to Jungkook's cheesy confession. Jungkook smirked and counted down from three.

The music increased and Jungkook held the mike against his lips.

"I give it to you
Although it was a bit awkward,
I want to give it all to you
I give it to you
To me, who sometimes cries and laughs,
it's only you
For you
I don't know why my heart is like this
I only think of you always
I'll become a rhythm and a song
And sing it for you

(Good to you)
I only have you
(Good to you)
Even if I'm far away
Always stay by my side
(Good to you)
You're my everything
Even if the difficult tomorrow comes
Hold my hand

I give it to you
Although it was a bit awkward,
I want to give it all to you
I give it to you
To me, who sometimes cries and laughs,
it's only you
For you
(Good to you)
(Good to you)

Jimin, I'd give everything to you, even if it'll cost me my job, my dreams.. I don't care. I love you and always you, so no matter what the bad people out there say about us, I'll always be loving with all of me. Them too," he pointed to the fans who cheered loudly.

"I'm ready to take on everything that comes in our way. My only question is, are you ready, Park Jimin? To be the love of my life?"

A tear escaped Jimin's eye unconsiously and Jungkook wiped it away softly before it travelled halfway across his rosy cheeks. They looked into each others eyes and the loud voices around them became muffled. Jimin nodded his head, slowly at first but then quickly after he was more certain of his answer. Jungkook embraced him in his arms tightly, pecking his forehead before sniffing in the familiar smell of Jimin's oak tree scent. The voices from the crowd finally became audible and they only word they heard was "Kiss!" being repeated by each mouth.

And so they did. Right there, in front of the thousands of people, under the open night sky. Neither did both of them know, the news was spread out worldwide in five minutes and #jikook was going viral on Twitter and Instagram. It was a leap of faith and hope for both of them. A risky one. But they believed in each other and that's what mattered most. They were each other's happiness and they will always be.

this is the last chapterrrr ;-; i'll be posting the prologue in a few days. im sorry this has been a delay but my school is being very mean to me lately so.

so go check the (a million and one adjectives) video on the V app. i'll go prepare your funeral.

sorry, love you, miss you always, my cheeseballs <3

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