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Author's POV

He was not sure why he felt that way. It wasn't like Taehyung was as hot as him. But every time he smiled, Jimin always had another one on his face. It wasn't like Taehyung was talented as him. But every time he sang a song for Jimin, Jimin would clap like a seal and shower him with complements. It wasn't like he and Jimin was officially in a relationship, despite their intimate actions, but Jungkook sure was jealous.

He dropped his head on the table and groaned. He was working on his new album but his mind was clearly not in it.

Jungkook's POV

I don't like him. At all. I could fire him, but Jimin would be sad. Maybe I can get him a few days off, but Jimin would probably visit him. I rubbed my temples. Why must this happen to me?

After lying in every position possible in 360°, I got up from the couch in my recording studio and dialed Hoseok-hyung to come pick me up. Jimin should be done with school now so I'd be able to fetch him.

"Kookie! You're here!" Jimin entered my car and hugged me tight.

"Looks like someone missed me," I ruffled Jimin's hair and placed a peck on his cheek.

"No I didn't. I just wanted to get out of here quickly and meet TaeTae," he said, retreating away from me. I elbowed him in his ribs and huffed.

"TaeTae TaeTae TaeTae, everything's about TaeTae. I swear I'm gonna fucking fire him," I muttered.

"Aww my little Jungkook-ie's jealous!" He teased, giving me the sly look.

"I'm not," I'm certainly not. Why would I be?

"You are,"

"Am not,"

"Oh okay then. If you were then I would have given you a deep kiss-"

"I AM, JIMIN! I'M JEALOUS!!" I confessed.

He giggled and leaned closer to me, his eyes glistening with anxiousness and nervousness. My heart beat faster as his forehead made contact with mine. This fluttering feeling in my heart, I only felt it whenever I'm with him. No matter how much I hate him for making me this way, his kisses are my oxygen. His smile is my life. Just he, himself, is the epitome of my happiness.

He kissed me on the lips sweetly, teasingly, sending chills down my spine. I peaked open my eyes and saw his eyes closed, with soft brown strands of hair covering his forehead. Even with his cute eyes closed, he was the most beautiful creature I've ever seen, and trust me, I've seen many attractive people.

Jimin and I, we were two. Living almost opposite lives but we both know we have an unusual connection. An unusual fuel that drives them towards each other. A fuel that doesn't run out. Maybe, just maybe, it was-

"Jimin, I love you," I said in one breath after the kiss. I ran my thumb across his chin before continuing. "It's okay if you don't want to say it back now. I understand and I'll wait for you. Because I know for sure that I am deeply crazily obsessed with every part of you and I'll risk everything in life for you to fill this ginormous space in my heart.

"I'm in love with you, Park Jimin."

Jimin's POV

He loves me. I could easily reply and we could live our lives as a normal happy couple.

But it will be different for us.

What about his fans? What about his career? What about his life? I'll only be a distraction. I turned my head away from him and bit my lips. Now is not the time for us.

"Kookie.. Can you drive me to the hospital for awhile? I need to.. Check something and I want you to go with me,"

"Alright, Chimchim," he held my hand and instructed Hoseok to drive to my mom's hospital.

It's about time I confess.

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