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Jimin's POV

I fluttered my eyes open, feeling someone biting and sucking on my collarbone. The first thing I saw when I woke up was a mob of brown hair covering half of my vision. I shut my eyes again and pretended sleeping. He continued making marks along my collarbone and finally reached my sensitive spot. I bit my inner lip to restrain myself from moaning but just then, Jungkook stops.

"I know you're not asleep, baby." His voice sent shivers down my spine and I kept my eyes still shut, trying to keep up with my act. Just then, I felt a tongue run along my jawline, instantly making me moan. I peeped through my eyelids and smiled sheepishly.

"I'm not a very good actor, am I?"

"Nope," he chuckled, bringing his face closer to mine until our noses were touching. "But next time you can act as something else on our bed. Sexy plumber? Fiesty policeman?" I rolled my eyes and hit his arm teasingly.

"I'd prefer to be an office worker," I said, eyes constantly moving to-and-fro between his lips and his eyes as he leaned in.

"Well, I'm pretty sure there won't be any acting in your concert." Our lips touched for a moment before breaking away. Jungkook's manager came towards us after closing the door behind him.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you guys but Jungkook, we have a concert to discuss about."

Jungkook's POV

"I thought it was going to be next month?" I confirmed everything: the venue, the duration, the songs, the date. "Who changed the date?"

"The government forced an agreement with the owner of the hall because of some polling thingy so we have to put the date up earlier. Unless you want to postpone it and put all your schedules all a day back, which will won't advise you to do."

I stared at him for a moment, deciding what to do. I looked at Jimin and then back at my manager, an idea forming in my head.

"I think some acting would help this concert," I said smilling.

My dance studio was a complete mess with crumpled paper balls and eraser dust. I layed flat on my stomach with a pencil in betwen my lips. I have never done this before, replanning a concert. I decided to use the concert as a payback to my fans and also a thank you gifts for fans who have been supporting me through out the whole walk through hell. So this concert has to be something big- something a little special.

"Okay. So the lights go down when I come up on this platform and the screen will be black. When I turn my body to face the screen, the pictures will start appearing. You get that?"

The assistant director looked up from his clipboard and nodded. "Yes sir."

I looked around the open stage from where I stood. There were big madeshift screens where each fan video will appear. A total of 9 of them surrounded the main stage. To be honest, I was a bit glad to have chosen another place to perform. It feels more open and airy outside. "Is the fan message out? Are they starting to send videos in?"

"Yes sir. We've received about 500,000 videos in the past half an hour."

"Good. Remember to arrange them up the night before the concert like how I drew for you in my sketches."

"Yes sir. Uhm, what about the-"

"That I'll send to you later. I have a million and one things to do now so just wait, okay?"

"O-okay sir." The shocked man bowed and left me sighing alone standing in front of the stage. Sometimes I just burst when I'm too stressed. There's a million and one things going through my head now and I'm just super nervous for the upcoming concert. What if there'll be technical difficulties? What if I
made a mistake? What if nobody came? I let out the second sigh and ran my fingers through my hair. I spotted Jimin's reserved seat and imagined him sitting there, smilling. I'm so unsure about so many things and the concert is only 4 days away.

"Keep your shit together, Jungkook,"
I mumbled to myself before stepping down the stairs. It's gonna be a pretty packed schedule for the coming days.

Jimin's POV

Jungkook has been working non-stop since his manager barged in. At 9am, I called him and he said he was in dance studio, practicing his choreography. At 2pm, I called him again and he told me he was at the recording studio, editing a few songs and just before this, at 6pm, he said he was at the concert venue.

"He sure has a lot to do, does he?" I thought out loud before glancing at Taehyung who was lying flat in front of me. I was going to be released today and he came over to visit, promising a ride home with Yoongi-hyung. I brought my legs together and hugged them tightly against my chest, missing Jungkook's embrace.

"The concert's in 4 days and he's resetting everything so what do you expect? Futhermore, I have a billion and one things to tell you about me and- Yoongi?"

Yoongi-hyung neared us with his hands in his pockets, his expression blank. "You need to come with me. Now."

It was a white cloth. The white cloth that layed over my mom's body that widened the crack in my heart that was mending. The scent of oak tree was faint, slowly fading away along with her presence. Having her in a coma, almost unresponsive to anything and just lying in bed, and having her presence gone are two different things. Throughout two years, I never knew her leaving me would be such a problem, considering her state. I was already alone, so maybe her passing away would not have such an effect on me. I was wrong. Now, I feel like I lost something. I lost my mother. The only family I have left. I thought that I wouldn't cry if she left because I thought all my tears for her were out when she fell into a coma. I was wrong again. Now, she is gone for good. And I'm just an unforgiven child weeping beside the dead body of his mother.

"Mom- Mom, I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I'm sorry for not having enough money in the beginning for better treatments for you. I'm sorry I didn't work hard enough. I'm sorry I-"

"Jimin, that's enough. I'm sure your mother understands your difficulties. I've been there every step of the way and you should be happy that she's not suffering anymore. She'll always be in your heart, Jimin. She loves you so much, Jimin. Believe me," Suga whispered into my ear. He hugged my crying body tight against his chest and stroked my back.

"Sometimes, we just don't have time to say goodbye."

so this was a bit sad and boring but i promise it'll be okay. believe me (so didnt use suga's line)
hopefully i'll update another chapter on friday or saturday. love you cheeseballs <3 thanks for the 2.4K!!!

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