Ball 6. Shipping

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Sugawara Koushi

Five days have passed and so far, I and Shimizu has kept Kaori's paralysis a secret because I don't think she's ready to reveal it to everyone yet.

After the match with Aoba Jousai, volleyball practices had been cruical these days. The first years' top priority was to recieve the ball from opponents and also to serve it back to them. Thankfully, our 'gaurdian diety' has come back to teach them the basics.

But not fully come back.

Nishinoya wouldn't participate with the team due to our ace's absence and he couldn't be convinced otherwise. But Kaori's presence made him stay much more longer.

Except for today.

"Where's Miyazono-san?" Noya slightly pouted while looking at the empty space beside Shimizu where Kaori should be standing.

"I don't know," I shrugged my shoulders then checked my phone in case she had sent me a message. None. "She could be practicing on her violin right now. She did told us that she had passed through the auditions and is now entering a gala performance."

When she told us her great news, we were happy for her. She even invited us to the gala which we gladly accepted.

"I miss her," Noya flopped down on the polished gym floor, sulking as deep as he could.

I shook my head in amusement. "C'mon, Noya-kun. Shimizu is there to cheer you up."

He looked at our third year goddess then frowned. "It's not the same, Suga-san. I feel more attached to Miyazono-san."

I was surprised at what he had said. 'Who posessed you, Noya?' This is so not him.

"Stop sulking," I patted his drooped shoulders when I heard a familiar sound of soft footsteps. "Besides, she's arrived."

"Hey~!!" Kaori happily chirped as she stepped in the gym. Noya immediately went from sulked to overwhelmingly happy that he rushed over to her and hugged her tightly.

"Miyazono-san!!" He cried animatedly, Tanaka trailing behind him to give another teddy bear hug to Kaori.

"Speak of the devil." Tsukishima scoffed, looking at the three dorks happily making a circle of joy, Hinata soon joining the fun.

"Says the jealous one." I mumbled teasingly at him and he glared at me. Yamaguchi calmed him down and slowly brought Tsukki away from me, probably lecturing him about manners and all at the corner.

I chuckled at the sight of the two when another person timidly entered the gym and took us all by surprise.

"Oh, I nearly forgot!" Kaori ran towards the brown haired guy at the door and gently pulled him behind her. "Asahi-san will be joining us from today! So, Noya-kun,"

She grabbed the libero's arm and placed it in front of her, overlapping their hands atop one another. "Please get back to the team..

"Because your ace has come."

A moment of silence creeped through the atmospere until Tanaka broke it with his hysterical laugh.

"Oh my God, Miyazono-san!" Tanaka said in between breaths. "That's a good one!"

Kaori slyly smiled at him as she lifted up her hands away from the libero's and the ace's. The boys' hands stayed together momentarily before a flash of a camera went off did they pulled back, blushing furiously later on.

Tanaka and Kaori both looked at the picture she had taken and laughed at it. They stomachs must've ached after a while because they started clutching at their abdomen, lying on the floor with tears on their eyes.

"What's happening?" Daichi appeared by side, amused at the sight before us. I shrugged and watched the both of them being calmed down by Kageyama and Hinata.

"Apparently, the both of them suspected 'gayness in the air' and targeted Asahi and Noya-kun first." Shimizu had put up two fingers on each of her hand and made a 'bunny ear' gesture.

"Wait, you said firstly," Daichi rose an eyebrow. "You mean there's more?"

Shimizu looked at him and me longingly before her lips had formed into a sly smile like Kaori's. "Maybe." She said with a playful tone in her voice, walking away shortly after that.

I tried to comprehend her words, furrowing my eyebrows until they've reached their tips. Then suddenly, I blushed furiously at an embarrasing thought in my head and covered my face with both my palms.

"What's wrong, Suga?" Daichi placed a hand on my shoulder and I quickly whipped my arm to swat it away. Bad move. He stared at me confusingly and tried it again. I only backed away and blushed further at his actions until he had cornered me on a wall, both his arms at either sides of my face.

He neared his face at me and pulled away my hands from my face. If even possible, I blushed a deeper shade of a tomato.

"Ahhhh!!" I heard Kaori squeal at the side of the gym while Tanaka laughed again beside her. "Ohmigod,ohmigod,ohmigod.. Kyaaa!!"

Kaori started breathing uncontrollably which worried me a bit. But the presence of Daichi being so close in front of me made me think otherwise.

Shimizu had come to her aid and calmed her down, rubbing soothing circles at her back. But in the midst of all her similar worry like mine, she was smirking her way towards us.

"Suga," Daichi called for my attention which I obliged to, partly scared of the outcome if I don't. "Why are you blushing so hard?"

I don't know why, but in my head, his voice sounded more husky than it normally should be. My breathing became rigid and I was tempted to push him away, but my arms wouldn't respond.



"Can I touch you?"

'What?' "Uhh.."

At the corner of my eyes, I saw Kaori had a full-on nosebleed which gushed rather 'fountaniously'. I took this moment to push Daichi away from me and head towards the now fainted girl. Thank God that he had let me go.

"W-what happened?" I asked as I distracted myself and wiped the blood on Kaori's nose with tissues. 'Odd. She actually fainted, smiling.'

"Oh," Tanaka chuckled and helped gather the bloody tissues thrown aside. "It's nothing serious, Suga-san."

"Suga," Shimizu smiled at me as she helped carry Kaori on to a mat. "It's okay to let yourself out of the closet. We won't judge."

Then she winked and walked away, faked sashaying of her hips just like she had done before.

Realizing at what she had just said, I blushed once again for the millionth time today and denied her words.

"I'm not gay!!"

A/N: But don't we all love those cuties having gay moments with each other?

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