Ball 15. End

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A/N: Helloo~ As how you've read the title, yes, this is the end and the last chapter of this fic.

And the part where.. you know.

But anyway, I hope you guys've liked this fic so far, although short, I had fun composing it.

This is going to be a long chap and will get a little OOC.

Third Person's POV


"Shimizu-san!" Ennoshita yelled at their manager worriedly. The rest of the bench warmers were too engrosed in the final round of the match to notice what was happening in their surroundings. "Miyazono-san collapsed!"

At the mention of her name, their heads whipped around to see Kaori in Ennoshita's arms, unconcious.

Hinata also heard about what happened while in mid-air of spiking a quick. He got a brief glance of Kaori's solemn expression which perked his adrenaline up. Focusing back on the game, he concentrated on where to guide the ball and saw a big gap behind Aoba Jousai's team.

With a slam of the volleyball, he directed it to his desired destination in a flash. The opposing team didn't had the time to react to reach the ball which earned a winning point to Karasuno.

But once the whistle was blown for the end of the match, the boys didn't have the time to celebrate their victory as they rushed out of the court and to Kaori's side



All their concerned voices rang in the now silenced stadium. The audience stopped cheering and looked pitifully at Karasuno and the blonde unconscious girl.

Aoba Jousai, despite their loss, they snapped out of their devastation and crowded around their opponent, especially Iwaizumi and Oikawa.

"Kaori-chan!" The formidable setter and Kaori's childhood friend pushed his way through Karasuno, wanting to see her.

"Wait up, Oikawa!" Iwaizumi trailed behind him.

"Has someone called the ambulance yet?!" Oikawa exclaimed while looking at the third years Daichi, Suga and Shimizu.

"I already had done that. They will be arriving soon." Asahi answered for his fellow friends. "And apparently, the one who answered was Miyazono's consultant, Dr. Kenji."

"Kenji-sensei?" Oikawa's head shot up to face him. "Didshe say anything else?"

"Um, nothing really. But before she could hang up, I heard muffled voices in the background saying 'it's time' and 'the last day' or something like that."
"No," Iwaizumi finally made his way beside his friend, but had also heardthe conversation between them. "It can't be."

"But Iwa-chan! Kenji-sensei said that it will be past her teenage years before it occurs!" Oikawa protested as sudden tears were brimming on his eyes.

"That information was told years ago before she left for Miyagi, Oikawa. It can change."

"Wait, what are you guys talking about?" Shimizu interjected. "What do you mean information?"

The two guys looked at each other before Iwaizumi said and explained it to them. "Hasn't she told you guys? Kaori's having this paralyzing decease that makes her legs immobalize once in a while."

"We knew about that," Suga joined in. "We caught her in our practice match back at your school where she took numerous spills."

Iwaizumi nodded. "That's only one thing. The other is that she has a time limit."

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