Game Time

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Hayley's POV:

I'm nervous as we all walk onto the pitch to start the game and when the ref blows the whistle, I can see why Emily's team lost by so much last time. This Arsenal academy team is well drilled, as they should be I guess. Within the first two minutes of the game, I have a ball being fired towards the goal that I can easily grab a hold of. Most of the first half consisted of me diving and jumping for balls in all different directions of the goal, making the girls in the opposition team visibly frustrated, but that's when I play my best in sport. When the other team is angry with me and I'm having fun, it makes me play better.

At the end of the half I make my way over to the sideline and as I do I get encouragement from the girls in the team. Apparently they aren't used to the score being drawn going into the break. They tell me how good I'm playing and that they can't believe I haven't played for so long. I just laugh lightly, taking the praise. The goalkeeper coach doesn't have much to say except to keep doing what I'm doing.

As the second half starts you can tell the team I'm playing for as starting to get tired. They run slower, tackles are sloppier, and passing is weaker. As a result of this, they give away a penalty within the box. I giggle to myself lightly, knowing I have little chance at saving this one. I stand on my line having no idea where I'm going to dive too. When the ref blows his whistle, I dive to right but the ball is placed neatly in the bottom left-hand side of the net. We are down 1 nil with only minutes left to play, but I don't let that get me down, I've play well and much to my surprise I actually had a lot of fun.

After the game we shake hands with the other team, most of which congratulate me on an amazing game. A tall man comes over to shake my hand and as he does, he begins a conversation, "That was outstanding, what you did out there."

"Thank you," I say with a smile.

"I don't think I've seen you in this team before," he questions with her eyebrows raised.

I laugh lightly, "Nah, I don't actually play. Just filling in for the night."

"Maybe think about joining a team," he says in a serious tone. "I know the academy would consider you."

I look down at the ground, not sure how to explain the situation, "I'm not here for too much longer so wouldn't be much point."

"We'll see about that," he says under his breath, so quiet I can't make out the words. He pats me on the shoulder, "Anyway, great game."

"Thanks," is all I say back before walking over to an excited Emily.


I'm sitting in the passenger seat of Emily's car as she drives us back to the flat, with her talking my ear off, "That was insane chick."

I just laugh at her, "You act so surprised."

"Well, I mean you played it off like you wouldn't be any good and then coming out the gates like that. Wow, I speechless," she says dramatically.

"I honestly didn't think I'd be any good," I say seriously.

"And you really haven't played since you were 16," she asks me.

"Yeah, I played like five games in high school, but they were all just for fun," I explain. I played with my friends at school just so I could have a sport that I could have fun playing.

"So, you're telling me that you played like that after only playing five games," she's asks in disbelief.

"Yeah, well I guess I only played in goal for three of those games," I say after thinking for a moment.

I look over at her and her mouth is gapping open, "You're fucking with me."

"Nope," I say in a questioning tone.

"Imagine how good you would be with some real training, in a real team," she says to me a little too excited.

I just laugh, "I leave in two weeks and after that everyone here will have forgotten about me and tonight's performance. That's my last game of football for a long while I think."

We pull up to our flat and get out of the car as she groans, "Don't remind me."

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