The New Girl

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Leah's POV:

I'm walking out it the gym, after our weights session, with Jordan when Joe catches up to me, "Hey Leah, would you mind coming to have a chat with me after lunch today? It shouldn't take too long."

"Yeah of course," I nod and continue to walk upstairs.

"What do you think that's about," Jordan asks.

"No idea. I can't think of anything bad I've done. It might just be a progress thing," I say with a shrug. When Jordan doesn't look convinced I continue, "I'll tell you as soon as we get home, promise."

She flashes me a nervous smile before whispering, "Ok."

After quickly having something to eat I excuse myself from the team before heading over to Joe's office. I knock softly before being told to come in. "Ah Leah come take a seat," he says. I don't say anything, just sitting in the chair on the opposite side of his desk. "Ok like I said, this won't take very long. I just want to ask if you would consider having a new team member stay with you?"

This is news to me, "What new team member?"

"I've found another goalie. She's only 20 and she's quite shy. I was wondering if you would help her find her way here when she starts at the start of next year. There is no pressure to say yes but I think you're the best person for the job," he explains to me.

I consider this for a minute, coming up with questions I might need to know. "Where is she from and when do we all get to meet her?"

"She's from New Zealand but has been living here for a few months, I believe. She kept the academy team to only one goal a week ago, I saw the footage and started asking around, so she's very new. She's coming in tomorrow evening to sign her contract, if you want to come down and meet her," he suggests.

"I think that would be a good idea," I say nodding my head.

Sensing my nerves, he speaks up, "Listen Leah, we wouldn't ask if we didn't think this would be a good option. You started on the team at a young age, you've been here for a long time, you know the area, you are a similar age. If it doesn't work out we can sort that out but for now we just want her to have someone that she knows and trusts."

I can see where he's coming from. I remember my first time coming to the first team training and how intimidating it was. I can't imagine what it will be like for someone who doesn't have the experience of an academy set up as well as living so far away from home. I would hate for anyone in the team to feel like they don't have someone to lean on and although I know the team will be supportive, that first step is a big one.

I see Joe is about the talk again but before he can I interject, "I'll do it."

"Are you sure. I don't want you to feel pressured in anyway. You can have a few days to think about it," he says, uncertain.

"No I think you're right. I'm the best one for it. I can't imagine what it's like moving across the other side of the world, away from family, but if I can make her feel like she has a home here, I want to do that," I explain.

Joe gives me a small smile, "Thank you Leah."


"So... what was that about," Jordan asks as we get in the car.

I look over and see her biting her nails, something she does when she's nervous. "It's nothing bad, Jords. We have a new girl signing and Joe wants her to live at my place until she finds her feet," I explain as we pull out of the training ground.

"Oh," is all that she says but I can tell she is thinking, so I stay quiet until she speaks again. "Why did they ask you to do that?" She doesn't ask in a judgemental tone, more curious. I relay what Joe had said to me back in the meeting to Jordan and I finish just as we pull up to my apartment. "Oh wow," she says pulling her bag from my car, walking up to the front door and letting herself in.

I follow behind her as she makes herself at home, taking her shoes off, getting a drink, flopping down on the couch and turning the TV on. That's when I had a thought, "Oh shit."

I stand in the doorway staring at Jordan as she looks back at me, "What's wrong, Lee?"

"God, I'm so stupid," I say, shaking my head.

"Leah," Jordan says as she stands and places her hands on my arms before gently rubbing them up and down. "Talk to me," she whispers.

"I should've talked to you before agreeing to this. You pretty much live here too," I explain.

Jordan looks at me for a moment and then laughs, "That's what you're worried about?"

"Yeah," I say with a questioning tone.

She takes my hand and leads me to the couch so we can sit down. "This is your place, not mine, you can do whatever you want with it, without having to ask me. I think it makes sense and it's a good idea. I would've loved to have someone that, I knew, would be there for me before moving down here. You're definitely the best person for the job of big sister," she explains.

I raise my eyebrows, "Big sister?"

"Family first and anyone living in your place will feel like they are family," she says.

"So you're not mad at me," I ask.

She pulls me into a hug and lies us down, "How could I ever be mad at you?"

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