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Hayley's POV:

With a few more weeks of training, I'm feeling more and more confident in and around the team. Prior to the international break starting, we had two losses to Chelsea and Man City as well as a win against Liverpool. I didn't play in any of those games but I wasn't expecting too as I am still trying to find my way around the game.

Now that we are on international break, the players that are available to train at Arsenal is small and practices are very much skill based. Working on the basics and individual development. For the most part it's Dan Carter, the academy players and me.

We finished up with a bit of finishing where I saved all the goals I attempted. "God damn girl, please just let me have one," Dan complains as I deflect another one of her shots over the bar. "That was one of my best ones too."

"Really good stuff, Hayley," Seb claps from beside the goal as I tip one past the far post.

"Alright ladies, finish on that one," Joe yells after blowing his whistle. We circle up and break for the day, not having a gym session later on. "Hayley, would you mind having a chat before you head home?"

"Yeah of course," I say as I pull my gloves off my hands. "I'll just get changed and I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Sounds good," he says before I jog to catch back up with the group walking to the main building. I have a quick shower and get changed then make my way to Joe's office, knocking before being told to go in. "Sit down, Hayley. This won't take long."

"Ok," I say as I take a seat.

"How have you been feeling since coming in," he asks.

I don't even need to think of a reply before answering, "Really good. I think I've gotten a lot better, if not in skills then definitely in confidence and knowledge."

"I can see that. Seb and I have been pleased with your progress. You seem to be soaking up every little bit of information thrown at you and take it in your stride. How about you start the first game back against Bristol," he says.

"I'd love too," I answer with a smile.

"See, even now, I can see a difference compared to when you had your debut. You seem excited be able to play," he explains before standing up. "You are going places, I can feel it."


Despite training hard for the next game after the international break, everything grinds to a halt when COVID-19 starts to run a riot around the world. Practices are canceled until further notice just as the girls start to filter back from being overseas. We just need to see how this will pan out, is what we are told, and we essentially start the waiting game to see when we can go back to football. In the meantime, our game against Bristol is postponed.

As a stay-at-home order is announced in the UK, New Zealand starts to ramp up their efforts to stop the virus by closing the boarders to tourists. Leah, Jordan and I are having dinner one night as we discuss what I should do. Do I stay or do I go?

"Surely they can't not let you back in," Jordan says as she starts picking at Leah's leftovers.

"I don't think getting in would be the problem, it's a matter of finding flights that won't get canceled. I've had a look and it doesn't look great. I also don't feel like getting stuck in Dubai or something if one of my flights is canceled," I explain.

"Ok, so what are your options," Leah asks rationally.

"Option one is to stay here and hope that nothing too bad happens at home. Option two is to try and get home, risking getting stranded in another country," I explain.

"Right but those are kind of best case scenarios right," she says as she picks up the plates and starts doing the dishes.

"What do you mean," I ask.

"Best case scenario is that this whole thing blows over in a few weeks right. We can see what's going on in other countries it doesn't look good. So worst case scenarios are if you stay here, you don't know when you'll be able to get home but on the other side of you do go home, we don't know when you'll be able to get back here," she explains.

I sit back in my seat, slightly defeated, "Right. I didn't think of that."

"Hey, I don't want to think negatively but I'm thinking of every possible outcome," she says as she walks over to me and places a hand in my shoulder. "I think you should talk to your family and talk to Joe, then find the best option for you."

"I wish it was that simple, but I don't know how much time I'm going to have to think about it," I think out loud.

Just two days pass and things have escalated further for both countries as they both go into a lockdown. After talking to my family and Joe we have decided that it's best if I stay in England to prevent any unnecessary travel. It's frustrating because we don't know when the lockdown will stop and therefore can continue with our lives. The biggest deciding factor was that if I went home and the season continued, I might my not be able to get back in time. So for now we get to take a bit of time off before planning the next step.

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A/N: I will be skipping pretty quickly through covid just because I know we don't really feel like reliving that!!

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