Famous Friend

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Hayley's POV:

After travelling for 30 hours I arrive back at Heathrow airport in London at around lunchtime January 1st. I collect both of my bags and head out of customs. I see Leah as soon as I round the corner into the main part of the airport. "Hey chick, how are you," she asks as she pulls me into a hug.

"Tired," I laugh, leaning away from her.

She chuckles, "Well, Jordan is in the car and we are going out for lunch."

I groan, "Arg, I just want to go home to bed."

"I know, but if we are doing something then you can kick jet lag a bit faster before you start training in a few days," she explains as she takes the trolley that my suitcases are on. "Come on."

I follow behind her as we walk out into the cold air of London. "This weather suck," I complain.

"Just because it looked like you were enjoying a week of summer doesn't mean we were," Leah jokes back.

"I can't imagine having a winter Christmas. That is just so weird to me," I think out loud.

"It's not as bad as you might think. Like snuggled up with your family by the fire," she says.

I laugh, "You can do that around the barbecue in the sun."

"Hayley," I hear, turning my attention to a person waving towards me. Jordan. As I get closer she runs over and gives me a hug, "It's so good to see you."

"It's nice to see you too," I say as Jordan detaches herself from me. Over the time I spent taking me belongings to Leah's place, I had gotten to know Jordan well. She's one of those people that is just full of energy all the time, can't sit still, always needs to be doing something.

"How was your break," she asks after helping put my things in the car and we all climb in ourselves.

"It was great. Was nice to be in the sun and see all my family and some friends," I say.

"Did you tell them about football," Leah asks from the drivers seat. This had been a hot topic of conversation over dinner before I left last year. I had mentioned that I didn't know how to tell my family the news. Mostly Matt, him being a United fan and all. Both Leah and Jordan were surprised that I hadn't told anyone but my mum, dad and sister about the contract.

"Yeah, it came up over Christmas lunch so had to make the big announcement with everyone there. It was fine though, even Matt was happy for me," I laugh with both the girls. "Then I just told my friend I was coming back over for work."

"Why," both girls asked in unison, Jordan turning to look at me while Leah kept her eye on the road.

"She didn't really ask much about it, plus I didn't want to make it a big deal. My friends wouldn't understand anyway," I explain.

"These are the same friends you played with in high school, no," Jordan asks.

"Yeah but it's different at home. No one watches the women's stuff, it's just not that big. I don't even think they know this league is a thing they can watch," I say.

"I think they would still be excited for you and watch when they can. I think you should tell them," Leah says with a smile.

"I'll think about it. I said I'd FaceTime Jemma tonight, so I might slip it in. Then she can tell everyone else," I say.

"If not, I'll sneak in and tell her," Jordan teases, which earns a light slap on the arm from Leah.

"She will not," Leah reassures me.

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