The Contract Rumour

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Hayley's POV:

As the season was starting to approach there were talks of a new contract for me at Arsenal and I had to make the decision on whether to stay or go back home. I have enjoyed my time at Arsenal and as a professional footballer so far but I feel like I wasn't able to give it my all, considering how the season ended. I also really miss my family and with New Zealand shutting the borders to everyone but residents as well as having a compulsory 14-day hotel isolation before entering the country I still haven't been able to see them in person.

Joe called me at the start of June with a new contact, sending it to me to read. As I start to read through it, I notice a change from my last one. Until 2023. It's a three-year contract. I look at it for a moment, not quiet knowing how to feel. I should feel excited but three years is a long commitment. I walk into the kitchen to look for something to eat, comfort food, to allow my brain to start working. I stare blankly at the microwave as the popcorn pops. As I tip the whole bag into a bowl and head to the lounge I notice Leah watching me with a questioning looking on her face.

"You all right," she asks as I plop down with a sigh.

"Yeah," I say blankly pretty much giving away that I'm not all right.

"Well by the look on your face, the full bowl of popcorn an hour before dinner and the way you just sat down, I would think otherwise," she stated still watching me. I just raise my eyebrows as an answer. She sighs, "Come on Hay. Talk to me."

"Joe sent me my new contract," I answer.

"And it's not what you were expecting," she questions tentatively. She knew I wanted a new contract to have a full season to show everyone what I could do, so she is obviously confused why I seem down.

"I guess you could say that," I say shoving more popcorn in my mouth.

"You're a great player. Probably our first pick keeper by the way you have been practicing over the last few months. You can talk to Joe and he will offer more, I'm sure of it," she explains.

"Nah it's not that," I start. "It's a three-year contract."

"Is that not a good thing," she asks.

"It's just a big commitment," is all I say.

She stands from where she is sitting at the dining table, coming to sit next to me on the couch, taking a handful of popcorn before talking, "What are you concerned about."

She knows just the right question to set off my rant, "I don't know. I was assuming that I would get a year-long contract, see out the season and then head home. That's what this was supposed to be anyway. If COVID is still around then at the end of the season I'll still be shut out and at that point it would've been a year and half since I have seen any of my family and friends. I signed up to 6 months. What if this just goes on forever. At this point I've already missed so much and it's only been 5 months."

Leah takes a deep breath to collect her thoughts before she replies to me, "I don't know how this feels and I'm not going to pretend like I do but I know it's hard. I've seen so many of my teammates struggle with being so far away from family. You being so young as well, you feel like the things you miss out on are a big deal, I know some of them are but you also need to remember that your family wouldn't want you to miss out on this opportunity either. They are a massive reason you are still here now. Talk to them. See what they have to say, what advice they have to give and then talk to Joe. He'll be happy to write a contract for a year if that's still what you want."

At this point I have tears running down my face and Leah has pulled my into her side, "I just don't want to let anyone down and I didn't expect to love it here so much."

"I'm going to ignore that last statement," she laughs lightly, making me giggle. "But you wouldn't be letting anyone down. Everyone understands the commitment and they know that decisions are made for the good of individuals. They just want you to be happy."


After a call with my mum and dad, and another chat with Leah and Jordan, I wanted to make one more call before making my decision. I waited until morning, knowing that Matt would be working if I called at night UK time.

"Hey Hay," he says as he picks up my FaceTime call.

I laugh back, "Hey, what's up?"

"Not much just had dinner but I feel like I should be asking you that considering you're the one that called me," he jokes.

"Well I just woke up so nothing to report here," I joke back.

"You obviously want something though, that's usually the reason you call right," he says seriously now.

"Yeah I guess so," I admit.

"So what's up," he asks.

"I just wanted your opinion on something," I explain.

"Ok... more details would be helpful Hayley," he laughs.

"Ok, ok," I take a deep breath. "So I got offered a new contract with Arsenal and I wanted to see what you thought about it."

"Yes, I think you should turn it down and move to Man U," he says in a serious tone even though I know he's only joking.

"Ha ha," I say sarcastically.

"Ok well give me all the details so I can have a real opinion," he says.

"Well, it's a three-year contract, more money than the last. It's a really good offer," I summarise.

"Then sign the contract. I don't see a problem," he says like it's obvious.

"And be away from home know another three years," I state. Matt is silent on the other end so I carry on, "I just don't know if I want to commit for another three years, you know."

"Have you talk to your mum," he asks.

"Of course I have," I say.

"And what did she say," he prompts.

"What she always does. Take the opportunity. Do what you think is right," I mock.

"You know she's right though. No one else can make the decision for you," he says. "And who knows, this whole thing could blow over and we could come and watch you play in a few months time."

"Or I could be stuck here for three years without seeing any of you guys in person," I counter.

"Admit it, it's not a bad place to be stuck. You have enjoyed yourself so far and have a home away from home there. Plus that's what FaceTime is for right," he says, lightening the mood.

"You just want to say you have a cousin that's a professional footballer," I say pointedly.

He puts his hands up in surrender, "That's definitely a perk as well. But seriously no one will care whatever choice you make. It's up to you I'm afraid."

"Arg, ok then," I complain after he has told me just what everyone else has.

"I know that's probably it helpful but it's the truth," he says.

After continuing the call for another hour, Matt is ready to go to bed and Leah is knocking on my door telling me to get out of bed. Before leaving my room I send a quick text to Joe, What day do you want me to come sign my contract.

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