What should I do?

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Hayley's POV:

The wait for a suitable time to ring my mum was excruciating. The 12-hour difference meaning I had to wait until at least 8pm for anyone in New Zealand to actually be awake and ready to talk. After Emily and I had dinner I excuse myself for the big phone call.

"Hey my darling. How was your day," my mum greets me as she picks up the phone.

"Hey, yeah, it was pretty good," I say in a dull tone.

"God really sounds like it," she laughs.

I give a little chuckle, "It's been interesting that's for sure."

"What have you been up too," she asks.

"Ah, well, just working pretty much. Umm... but Emily actually talked me into playing football last night for her team," I explain tentatively.

"Oh nice, how did that go," she laugh, obviously remembering back to when I played in high school.

"It was good. I played in goals. We played the Arsenal academy team and they were really good," I continue to explain, starting to ramble a bit.

"Did you win," she asks eagerly.

"Ha ha... no we didn't," I joke before adding. "It was a close game though."

"Wow really. I thought, with you having to play against a good team, you wouldn't cope so well," she laughs again, to which I laugh back.

"You're not alone there. It actually went well. A little bit too well," I sigh.

"How could it go too well," she questions.

"Well, the Arsenal head coach watched the game, and he rang me today and he wants to sign me," I ramble quickly.

"Oh wow. What did you tell him?"

"I said I'd need to think about it," I sigh.

"What do you think you're going to do," she asks seriously.

"I probably won't do it. It's a little bit unrealistic," I say.

"What makes you say that?"

"I don't know. I'm just too inexperienced for a professional team," I say.

"I don't think that's true. You've been a part of a lot of different teams at a high level. You're hard working, athletic and very mature. If a coach at that higher level thinks you have what it takes why would you question it. You've never questioned yourself before," she explains.

She was right of course. I had always just put my head down and worked, didn't matter what it was. Why was this any different? "I don't know," I say quietly.

"Is it because it's a different sport," she asks me.

"I don't know," I say a little louder this time.

"Ok then. What's the worst that could happen," she challenges, changing tactics slightly.

"Just not living up to the expectations. What if that game was a fluke? What if I make a dick of myself," I ask hypothetically.

"I guess you won't know until you you try. Even if it doesn't work out, that's one hell of an experience," she says. When I don't say anything she continues, "I just don't want you to regret not taking a once in a lifetime opportunity. Of all the nights you decide to play, it was that night. That has to count for something right," she explains.

"I guess," I sigh.

"Look I have to go get ready for work and I can't say any more than I have already, so the decision is yours from here. Do what you think is right and we will be proud either way. I love you, talk to you later," she chimes.

"Ok, love you too," I sigh again.

After hanging up the phone I don't delay going back to see Emily. I enter the living room and flop down on the couch with a dramatic sigh. Emily gives me a moment to start the conversation and when I don't, she gets impatient, "So... what did she say?"

"She was no help at all and pretty much said it was my decision to make," I groan.

"Oh well you've had input from your mum and me so now it's all up to you," she says with a smirk. I know she's hoping that I'll stick around England a little longer.

"I know what you're trying to do," I say with a smile.

"I'm not doing anything," she says with her hands up in surrender. "Look, like everyone else is saying, it's up to you... but don't forget you can go back home to university at any point. This will probably never happen again."


After a few days of thinking through my options, making pro's and con's lists, talking with my mum and doing some research, I finally ring Joe after my shift on Friday, one week before leaving to go home. I sit at the kitchen table, my leg jiggling nervously as the phone rings. "Hello, Joe speaking," I hear after only a couple of rings.

"Hey Joe, it's Hayley Jones," I say as I draw circles on a piece of paper in front of me.

"Hey Hayley, how are you," he asks, polite like always.

"Yeah, I'm good, how are you," I respond.

"That's great. I'm guessing you're calling with your decision," he sounds hopeful.

"Ah yeah I am," I say nervously. "I would like to sign a contract with Arsenal."

Joe let's out a sigh of relief, "That sounds brilliant. Congratulations."

"Thank you," I say with a smile.

"Ok then. We already started to prepare, hoping that you would say yes," he says with a slight laugh, which I return. "We are working out the logistics in terms of living situation. We were thinking to pair you with a teammate, for the time being, until you are comfortable and then we can go from there. Is there anything else you have concerns over?"

"Umm no, I don't think so. The living situation was the biggest concern," I explain. After talking for just under an hour I hang up feeling better about the decision I have made.

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