Chapter 21 - Physical Attraction = Chemical Reaction

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"Don't you wish you could just take it back? That thing you said? That thing you did? There's no undo button. There's only hoping we can learn. We can change, right? We can do better. We can't take back what we've done. We can't undo the past, cause the future keeps coming at us.
Best to keep the past in the past. Move on. Learn from it. We don't learn from our mistakes, we wind up locked into a future we never choose. The past is written, there's no changing it. What's done is done, but the future is ours to choose, for better or worse."

Xena's POV

-Flashback, 2 weeks ago, after taking down Ivan.-

I stood in disbelief, staring at the pink and white stick laying on the counter in front of me, two pink lines slowly settling into the result window.

"Oh god"

I took a step forward, picking the pregnancy test up, holding it in the light, staring at it in several different angles.


I picked up the box on the counter, looking at the instructions, confirming that it was in fact a positive result. I took several steps back until my back hit the wall behind me, my chest heaving as I felt myself slowly becoming consumed with panic.

I clutched the test in my hand and glanced down to it one last time, my hands trembling.

I'm pregnant.

-1 week later-

"And...there. Do you see that little flicker?" The ultrasound tech pointed at the screen in front of me, a little flicker at the end of her finger. "That's your baby's heartbeat. You're about 6 weeks along."

I stared at the screen once again in disbelief, the ultrasound tech handing me a little photo of the baby.

"Congratulations Lieutenant!" She added.

"So this is for real?" I asked, still looking at the picture as she wiped the gel off my stomach.

"Yes, this is for real."



"I know."

He looked down at the ultrasound photo, smiling sweetly at it.

" are you feeling about it? Have you told him?" Price asked.


"Why not?" He asked.

"I...Don't know." I responded.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" He asked.

"Work. Is there anything I can do? Please, please Captain." I pleaded.

He pondered on it, raising an eyebrow.

"How about another scouting mission?" He offered.

"I'll do it. When and where?" I asked.

"Now. Russia."

(End flashaback, Presently.)

I sat quietly in the floor of a prison cell, a cold draft sweeping it's way under my body. I trembled, this causing the skin around my ribs to tighten even more, causing me to let out a low whimper.

My body was littered in new and old bruises as well as cuts. They had stripped me of my clothes and left me with rags to wear. I hadn't eaten in over a week, each breath reminding me so from how tight the skin was around my ribs. I had been tortured, their attempt to get intel from me. Of corse, I didn't tell them anything, but the torture was getting unbearable, I could tell I was on the brink of death.

"Price...where the fuck are you.." I mumbled.

König's POV

"She's been radio silent for 2 weeks?!" I asked, my voice coming out harsh and gruff.

"Yes. We need to launch a rescue mission, preferably stealth, that way not to cause much bloodshed." Price responded.

"What the hell do you mean 'no bloodshed'??" I asked again. "They for sure have tortured her!"

Ghost and Soap looked at each other, nodding as well. "He's right. It's not fair."

"I know, boys. But we can't just go in a killing spree. We could start a war," he reasons, setting his hands on the table in the briefing room.

König growled, slamming his fists down on the table. "Why would you send her alone?!" I asked, furrowing my brows.

"König." Ghost spoke, glaring at König. "It's not important. What is important is that we get her home."

Price nodded, and I glared at them both. "When are we leaving?" I asked.



Sorry for such the short chapter! I start paramedic school soon and I have also been experiencing a bit of writers block. I hope you guys are enjoying!

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