Chapter 16 - Sunlight On Your Skin

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the center of interest or activity.

Xena's POV

I spent days laying in that damn bed. Finally the nurse had taken me off my monitors, the line out of my wrist and neck. Today was discharge day.

König spent the majority of his time here with me. We spent most of the day watching Breaking Bad, along with some simple card games. Nothing between us was official, but needless to say the feelings were there. Maybe I was just scared of commitment.

The nurse had brought me some towels and washcloths. I needed to shower, it had been a while. The scar on my chest had been stitched up a while ago, and I got to have them removed today. I slowly sat up out of my bed, walking o we to the bathroom attached to the hospital room. I slipped off my hospital gown and stepped in the shower, turning it on.

I washed up rather quickly, knowing König would be popping in shortly. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me, ringing my hair out.

Just around that time I heard the door to my room click open.

"Hey Liebe, I heard about this new show that just came out. It's called The Last Of Us. I think we may like it." König said softly, setting down some fruit and yogurt on my bedside table.

"Oh yea?" I called out from the bathroom, causing him to glance over at me. I looked at him through the mirror in front of me, brushing out my hair. I could see that his eyes were widened.

"Y-You're not hooked up to anything anymore.. that's great." He stuttered, I could tell he was slightly flustered.

"You're right, I'm not." I responded, pulling my hair over to one side of my shoulder, exposing my neck. I saw him shiver, and he quickly sat down in his chair next to my bed, placing his hands over his lap.

He took his helmet and veil off, running his hands through the thick ginger curls. It had grown out a little more, now it was more wavy and it almost reached down to the bottom of his ears. I eyed him up and down and his cheeks turned pink, him shifting uncomfortably.

"Stop doing that." He whined, furrowing his brows slightly at me.

"I am not trying to seduce you." I spoke sweetly, lifting my arms up so that I could braid my hair back and put it into a bun. My towel slipped ever so slightly, exposing the sides of my breasts. I turned around after fastening some bobby-pins in my hair, letting the towel drop just a little more to expose a small amount of my chest to him.

"Would you like me to seduce you?" I asked, my eyes lazily looking into his as he sucked in a breath.

"Xena.." he mumbled, turning his head away from me so that I couldn't see his face.

"You mentioned making dinner a while ago." I began, shifting my weight onto one leg. "I get discharged today...just some food for thought."

König hummed. "Yes..I'll take note of that. In fact, why don't you swing by my barracks room tonight?" He offered, his head turning to face me again.

"Asking a superior on a date? How scandalous." I teased, closing the door slightly as I dressed myself. Once finished, I opened the door to find König standing right in front of me, and I let out a little shriek of surprise.

"You should wear something...comfortable." He smirked. "Easy to remove." He added.

I scoffed as my cheeks turned pink, the palms of my hands getting warm as I looked up to him.

"Fucking tease." I mumbled, pushing on his chest so that he would back up a little.

"Me?" He questioned, giving a light giggle. "Look  at you." He said boldly, his eyes quickly widening as he bit his lip.

I just smirked and shook my head, gathering up a couple small things into a backpack König had brought.

"I'll see you tonight. 18:00." I smiled, giving him a wave.

"Don't be late, lieutenant." He called out, bringing his hands up to his chest.


König's POV

I heard a knock at my door around 17:45. I slowly walked over to my door, reaching for the handle but I paused, a wave of anxiety consuming me.


It continued to eat at me for a couple of minutes, her voice tearing me from my thoughts.

"König, I know you're right on the other side. If you don't open the door I'm gonna fuck you up, I look like an idiot out here." Her muffled voice spoke, and I finally found the courage to open the door.

She stood in front of me in a hoodie that was several sizes too large, and I didn't notice any kind of pants on under. I quickly pulled her in, shutting the door behind her.

"Xena!" I shouted, my face warming up as I looked her up and down.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"Where are your pants??" I asked, though it sounded a lot less dirty in my head.

She lifted the hem of the hoodie up, revealing some rather short pajama shorts under it. I sighed and let out a brief chuckle.

"You said something comfy." She reiterated, shrugging her shoulders.

"Someone else could have seen you." I furrowed my brows, crossing my arms.

"But they didn't, you fuckin' nut." She smirked, walking up to me as she wrapped her arms around me.

I was kinda taken aback by her actions, knowing I had done a lot more than just hugged her, but this felt a lot more sweet, and innocent. A sharp contrast to the tension that was currently in the air. I wrapped my hands around her waist, pulling her in a little closer.

The smell of vanilla flooded my senses, my heart rate picking up as I breathed her in. It was intoxicating.

She pulled away from me, looking up into my eyes. "So, what did ya make for dinner?" She asked.

"Sauerbraten." He smiled, gesturing over to his desk where two plates sat, along with a singular lit candle.

Her eyes seemed to light up at my words. "Pot roast? Yum." She smiled.

I guided her over to the desk, us both sitting down. She was quick to start eating, and I couldn't help but smile at her. It was almost like she was still a child.

I turned around and clicked the tv on, setting it on the new show I had mentioned to her earlier.

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