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Xena's pov

All of 141 gathered in a briefing room around the table.

"I think it's well deserved." Price's voice echoed lowly in the briefing room. "A vacation would do us well." He took the cigar from his mouth and flicked the ashes off the end.

"To where?" Soaps voice asked, an eyebrow poking up.

"The US. Specifically the Bahamas. I've always wanted to go." Price answered.

"So.. basically we are going because you want to go?" Silas said in a sarcastic tone.

"You don't gotta go." I said lowly, propping my feet up on the long table as König shot him a glance. "In fact we'd do quite well without you, like a breath of fresh air." I gestured my hands out to the side of my head.

Silas sneered. "It would be a lovely time." He stood up from the table and pushed his chair back in from behind him. "I'll go ahead and get my shit ready." He announced before leaving.

I let out a scoff.

"Go on, everyone get your stuff ready. We leave in 2 hours." Price smiled.

Everyone got up, König placing a small kiss on my head after standing up, following closely behind me.

As we entered the hallway, Silas had his back propped against a wall, one foot up as well. He glared at König, and a pang of nervousness filled my chest. He then pushed off the wall, following our pace beside König.

"Sargent." König greeted, but he didn't even bother to look at him.

He apologized back when I had lost the baby and a part of me thought maybe he had changed. But boy I was wrong.

"So how'd that used pussy feel?" He asked in a low tone, a smirk on his face.

My breathing caught in my throat, a put filling in my stomach. Not from embarrassment, but for worry as to what König would do to him.

To my surprise, König let out a soft chuckle. A brief moment of silence passed before he answered.

"After the first inch, it felt amazing." He responded, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "Why, has it been a while since you've seen someone?" König asked coldly.

Silas scoffed, a bit of a blush on his face. "I get hella bitches." He answered in his southern accent.

"Hella bitches." König mocked, opening up our barracks room door before letting me in first. "I'm sure you do." König nodded. Silas was just about to say something before König slammed the door in his face, an audible scoff coming from Silas shortly after.

"Drama." I sighed, plopping down onto our bed. König pulled his helmet and sniper veil off, setting it on the desk. I laid back on the bed and stretched, letting out a throaty groan. König crawled on top of me, wrapping his arms around my waist as he put a bit of his body weight on top of me before he sighed as well.

"Laura cannot come." He said softly, and I rested my hand on his back.

"I know. But it's for her safety. She will be safe here. She loves the nanny also." I reminded him.

He let out what sounded like a whine into the crook of my neck, then sat up.

"I guess we better pack." He muttered, and I stood up to give him a quick peck on the lips.

"We're going to the Bahamas!" I said excitedly in a hushed tone.

König just smiled, shaking his head. "We are."


The flight to the States was quick, only about 8 hours. I slept the majority of the way, the impact of the landing shaking me awake.

"Well now." Price said with a giddy tone, a cheeky smile on his face. "We're here, kids!" Price said excitedly, standing up from his seat as he grabbed his bag from the overhead holder. Everyone else did the same.

I glanced up to König, who was hunched over in the cabin of the aircraft, quite a few other passengers staring at him. One in particulate had blonde hair, and something about her seemed familiar, and her eyes were glued on König.

He seemed rather anxious, fiddling with his hands as he waited for me to walk in front of her. I could tell König was panicking just a tad, presumably from the closeness and abundance of people. He hated environments like this.

I eyed the blonde woman, studying her features until it hit me like a fucking train.

That was the bartender.

The one who drugged König and fucked him.

I felt my blood begin to boil as my hands clenched into fists. My eyes burned into the back of her head as she exited the plane, and I gritted my teeth.

"Xena.." König asked softly.

My gaze shifted up to him, worry written across his face.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I cleared my throat and slung my bag on my back, shaking my head. "Nothing. Let's get going, the beach is calling us." I said softly, by voice having a hint of bitterness in it.

König nodded and smiled, intertwining his fingers with mine, leading me off the plane.

If I see that bitch anywhere close to us, I'll give her a one way ticket to hell.

Catch-22 (König x OC)Where stories live. Discover now