Chapter 4 - Lost in the Fire

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a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.

Xena's POV

"How about a little friendly competition?"

My ears perked up at the captain's words, a smirk making its way across my face.

"I don't know captain. Some of these boys couldn't handle being outshot by a woman." I cood, turning back to look at him.

"Awa' an bile yer heid." Soap scoffed, clicking the safety off of his weapon.

Ghost'a head also perked up at the taunt, a small smirk outlining where his lips would be on his balaclava. Gaz nudged my arm, me over dramatically falling onto my side, my arm brushing up against König.

König stayed silent, his eyes forward.

"You've got 10 shots. The individual with the highest scoring point average wins...." He paused, chewing on his cheek. "Bragging rights, I guess." He chuckled, clearing his throat.

I reloaded my gun, clicking the safety off. Bringing up the scope to my cheek, steadied my breathing and I felt my heart rate drop a little.

I could sense König was nervous, but I pushed the thought to the back of my mind, clearing him of my thoughts. If I wanted to win this, I had to stay focused.

"Alright boys, and lass, the range is HOT!" He shouted, plopping himself down into a chair behind us all.

Shots echoed through the range for quite some time. Above each target was a digital score board, displaying a point average for each individual. The score was out of 10, a 10.9 being the best shot you could get; a bullseye. Each shot was collectively averaged out to a total score, the highest you could get being a 10.9.

It was getting close to the final shots as I glanced around to the scores, taking a mental note and ranking us all.

Ghost: 10.4
Soap: 9.2
Gaz: 9.2
König: 10.7
Revenant: 10.7

"Fuck.." I mumbled, tilting the gun to the side, finding my last bullet in the chamber.

No way am I letting this child of a man beat me. Not after that incident a few days ago.

König glanced down to me, his shuffling pulling my gaze up to him. His eyes were lazy, and it looked as if he could see right through me. He let out a low hum, his eyes crinkling in the corners letting me know he probably had a shitface smile. I seemed to get lost in his blue eyes, taking In some of his more stubble features. I watched his eyes slowly trail down my face to my chest, then down my side and then lower. I felt my face heat up, a little uneasy under his gaze. He picked up on my rosy cheeks, smirking slightly.

"This is my win." I hissed lowly, turning my face back to my scope.

"Nur über meine Leiche." (Over my dead body) König replied, turning his face back to his scope as well.

"Yea, well, a little CPR may do you good."

Both of our shots sounded off at the same time, my heart rate picking up as I looked up to the score board.

König: 10.8
Revenant: 10.7
Ghost: 10.6
Soap: 10.4
Gaz: 10.4

My jaw dropped slightly, my eyes fixated on the scores in front of me.

"You're joking." I huffed, placing my rifle down as I briefly glanced at König, then back to price.

"And they said I couldn't be a sniper." König said lowly, pulling the empty clip out of his weapon.

"Good shots König. You are free to brag as much as you like!" Price said half-heartedly, secretly wishing I would have shown them all up.

Everyone sat up and began to put their weapons away. König stood up and gave me a soft pat on my shoulder, smirking still. "Better luck next time, Liebling."

He walked over and began putting his weapon away as well. I laid quietly in my prone position trying to process the humiliation I had just endured.

Everyone but König had slowly filtered out, and I finally found it in myself to get up. I turned to look and saw that he was taking the weapon apart, taking extra good care to make sure it was clean and neat before putting it back on the wall.

I walked up beside him to place my rifle in its case, slowly clicking it shut before pushing it back on the metal shelf so that it was stored in a safe place. I briefly held my hands on the shelf above me, catching the attention of König beside me.

In almost an instant, I charged at him and threw him up against the wall next to the weapons, pressing my forearm harshly on his chest to keep him there.

His breathing hitched as his hands hovered out beside him. I could feel that his heart rate jumped significantly, his eyes wide with shock.

"König, what the FUCK?" I hissed, my blue eyes locking with his, filled with anger. This man was fucking family sized, his height just another thing pissing me off.

"Wh-" a brief stinging pain cut him off, my hand having slipped under his veil to give him a brief smack on the cheek. He whimpered softly, raising his hand to the spot I had pained, rubbing it softly.

"Don't fucking 'what' me, that was foul, cruel even and you know it!" I hissed, pointing a finger at him. "Fucking humiliating me in front of my squad, distracting me with your prying eyes-"

I cut myself off feeling a slight poking sensation at my stomach, causing by breathing to hitch as i tried to process what it was.

Taking into consideration our significant height difference, his hips were level with the center of my stomach. I felt my blood rush to my head as I swallowed thickly, the heaviness of situations reality coming down onto me like an ocean wave.

My eyes made contact with his again; I didn't dare look down. They were half lidded, glossed over with desire, and his chest was rising and falling rapidly.

"I-I'm sorry," he coughed out, shifting uncomfortably under your grip, placing a hand back behind him on the wall to steady himself.

I felt a surge of warmth in my core, my pressure on his chest slowly beginning to falter. I cleared my throat and stepped away from him, König quickly turning so that he wasn't facing me. In an attempt to hide his embarrassment, he went back to cleaning his gun to keep turned and his hands busy.

"Go situate yourself. Now." I said lowly, my head turning to the side. He quickly dropped what he was doing, turning on his heel and quickly walking out of the range. After hearing the door shut, I cupped my hand over my mouth and tried to process fully what had just happened.

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