Chapter 2 - Unbothered

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a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

Xena's POV

My eyes slowly opened, pitch black consuming my entire room. A low groan emitted from my throat as I shifted sides, my body stiff from the military-grade mattress I had been sleeping on. My eyes trailed over to the digital clock I had on my nightstand.


Oh shit. I crashed.

I groggily sat up, my jet black hair falling down on my shoulders in bulky sections, it unkempt and fluffy. I swung my feet over the side of the bed, my toes making contact with the cold tile of the floor. I stood up and stretched, an uncanny sound coming from me which in tern became a sigh.

I walked into my bathroom and flicked the light on, reaching into the tiny shower that was provided and turned the water on cold. After stripping I stepped inside, the cold water falling down my back.

I washed quickly and stepped out, my eyes settling onto my figure in the mirror in front of me.

I dully gazed over myself, my eyes tracing over every single scar of mine. Each were from combat, they had all became faded and glossy and slightly raised on my skin. I grimaced slightly, mourning the woman I used to be. So carefree and optimistic, my body much more healthier and prettier.

Eventually I gathered my thoughts, slipping into some black leggings and a spandex long sleeved black shirt. I figured a good stretch may give me some relief from the cramping, sore muscles sleeping on a fucking rock of a bed gave me. I braided my hair back, twisting it into a bun and securing it with a few bobby-pins. I tucked some stray hairs behind my ears, grabbing my water bottle and a granola bar before heading out of my quarters, shutting the door behind me. There was a bit of time before breakfast, still.

Upon closer inspection of the building I was in, I found a room which appeared to be of recreational use, it including a weight set, a kitchen area, a couch, TV, and so on.


I sat my water down on the counter, taking a small bite out of my granola bar. I quietly made my way over to a small free space in between the couch and tv, bending down so that my palms were flat on the floor.

Kicking my legs up, I balanced myself in a handstand. By breathing hitched slightly as the blood rushed to my face, small strands of hair falling down the sides of my face.

Slowly, I spread my legs apart, stretching the inner parts of my thighs and back, flexing my feet so that they were straight. A slight whimper left my lips as I felt my back slowly relax, some bones popping as I held the stance I was in, closing my eyes. A period of comfortable silence fell around me.

"We missed you yesterday." A familiar Scottish voice brought me back to, my head turning to look at him.

"Sargent." I greeted, my head falling back to look in front of me. A few more feet shuffled in, a noticeably large set walking in front of me and off to the corner.

"No need for the formalists, Xena." Soap said casually, placing his hands on the counter in the kitchen area. "But I do appreciate the way that-"

"Shut up Soap, fucking hell." A gruff British voice cut him off, causing me to glance over to his direction once again. The man wore a black balaclava, his brown eyes dull and laced with exhaustion.

"Lieutenant." I said softly. "Price says they call you Ghost." I added, removing one of my hands off the floor as I balanced myself again, another strained grunt leaving my lips.

"Actually I believe he prefers-" Soap lifted a finger to correct me.

"THAT'LL do." Ghost cut him off, slipping behind him to grab a cup from the cabinet.

I felt a set of eyes burning into my back, bringing my attention back to the other Solider that had quietly slipped in. Glancing down between my arms, I made eye contact with him. He seemed to tense up when our eyes connected, his body shifting uncomfortably. He brought his hands to fidget in his lap.

An amused chuckle left my lips, bringing my hand back down as I slowly lowered my legs back down onto the floor, lifting myself up. After dusting my hands off, I turned to face him.

"Never took someone at your size to be so anxious." I began, taking a step closer to him. He tensed even more, sucking a breath in between clenched teeth.

"Do I make you nervous, sweetheart?" I cood before plopping down, crossing my legs as I reached up to stretch my arms.

"Verpiss dich" (fuck off) he responded with a low growl, his fidgeting hands clenching into fists.

"Was für ein fauler mund." (What a foul mouth) I responded quickly, causing his eyes to widen as his gaze shot back to me. This also caught the attention of both Soap and Ghost, Soap choking on a low chuckle as he tried to keep a military baring.

"S-Sorr-" he began, but I cut him off.

"Wie heissen Sie?"(what's your name?) I asked lowly, eyes narrowed.

"König-" he choked on his words, sitting himself up a little more in his place on the couch; it was obvious that I made him even more nervous.

"König. Were you never taught customs and courtesy in the early stages of your training?" I asked harshly, causing him to jump at the sound of my voice.

His eyes went lazy, and I could see even through his sniper veil that he was blushing ever so slightly. "I-I was." He croaked out, clearing his throat shortly after.

"Dann würde ich Ihnen raten, sie zu verwenden, bevor Sie in Schwierigkeiten geraten." (I'd advise you use them before you get into trouble.) I finished, standing up after briefly eyeing the Solider. I walked back over to the kitchen counter, grabbing my water bottle and granola bar. König let out a strained sigh before his hands went flat on his thighs, rubbing the sweat off of them.

Just as I was about to walk out, Price walked in.

"Well aren't we all up early this morning?" He asked, a smile on his face. He quickly picked up on the thick tension in the room, his smile dropping.

"What happened?" He asked, looking over to me with his brows furrowed. I held my granola bar in my mouth as I glanced over to him, giving a brief shrug.

"Lack of discipline, sir." I responded, munching softly on the granola bits in my mouth. His gaze drifted over to König, who was looking straight at the floor, his body still tense.

"Ah." He nodded, his eyes shifting to the counter in front of him, giving a nod.

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