Chapter 5 - Flower Dance

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deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.

König's POV

I returned to my quarters quickly, my breathing labored and shallow.

What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck!

Quickly, I ripped my helmet off and threw my sniper veil on the ground, running both my hands through my hair in an attempt to calm myself down. My cheeks burned a bright red, heat radiating from them.

I just met this woman, and I'd get down on my hands and knees for her. This is insanity!

I slowly walked into the bathroom attached to my room, taking off the remainder of my clothing. I tried everything to ignore my throbbing member in front of me, stepping into the shower even though it was still cold.

The thought of her still ate it's way into my mind. The way she looked sprawled out on her stomach beside me, the way her blue eyes scanned over me while her body was pressed against mine, the scent of vanilla coming from her hair. It was intoxicating.

I gripped my member tightly, and just a few thrusts into my hand was all it took before I reached my climax, coating my hand in a thick, warm substance. A soft whine echoed off the walls of the shower, my back hitting the wall as I slid down into a sitting position. Heavy, hot breaths escaped my lips, feeling dizzy from the euphoria I had just experienced.


Xena's POV

After the recent interaction with König, I decided to take a walk outside to clear my mind. I pulled a cigarette out of my boot, lighting it, then inhaling through it. The buzz from the nicotine was quick to consume me, my heart rate slowing down. My cheeks burned at the thought of him even being attracted to me, though it was quickly shut down by the overwhelmingly loud inner critic I was blessed to have.

"Smoking kills, Lieutenant." A low British voice spoke from behind me, causing me to glance over my shoulder.

"So does talking shit." I replied bluntly, taking another puff.

Ghost chuckled, lighting a cigarette of his own. The sound of the lighter caught my attention, my head snapping into his direction. "Really?" I asked, a chuckle catching into my throat.

"I seen what you did to that rookie in there." He commented, his eyes trailing down to me. My face flushed red, and I took a deep inhale of smoke.


"You know that poor kid can't handle something like that. He ran back to his room like a puppy." He commented, flicking the ashes off the end of his cigarette.

"He wasn't scared." I clarified, looking up to Ghost, then back into the void in front of me.

"What makes you say that?" He asked, shifting his weight on one leg, leaning on the brick wall beside him.

"His hard-ass dick was pressed up against my stomach." I exhaled plainly, and I heard Ghost choke behind me, which eventually turned into a coughing fit. After he collected himself, he stiffened. He jogged up to me, looking down to the side of my face.

"Did it make you uncomfortable?" He asked, concern laced in his voice and eyes.

"Aren't you supposed to be doing something? Like being a hard ass or throwing Soap all over the place for saying some stupid shit?" I asked, obviously flustered.

"So you do like him?" Ghost replied smugly, I could tell he was smirking under his balaclava.

"He's my teammate." I replied bluntly, glancing over to make eye contact once again.

"How proper." Ghost sighed, flicking the ashes off the end of his cigarette. "I am not blind, Xena." He said lowly, pulling at my arm to stop me. His finger hooked under my chin, pulling it up to make me look at him. My breathing caught in my throat as my heart rate picked up yet another time, my cheeks flushing a soft shade of red.

"Yea, but you're a fucking idiot." I hissed, casually swatting his hand away and pulling my wrist back down beside me.

I jogged back inside of the building, slamming into what felt like a wall as soon as I entered the door. I recoiled slightly, wincing as my hand reached up for my nose.

König stood in front of me, his eyes locked onto Ghost who was still standing outside, his back facing away from him. They were filled with hatred, maybe going as far to say jealously.

"König." I said softly, his eyes or body not budging.

"König!" I repeated, this time a lot louder with a forceful shove. His stiff demeanor faltered, eyes flicking down to me in front of him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked, and I heard him swallow hard before he cleared his throat.

"Sargent McTavish has offered drinking games tonight, and he sent me out to ask everyone to come." He said lowly, I could almost feel his chest rumbling with each word.

"Oh." I smiled.

That would be a good change of scenery, especially coming out of the several unreasonably tense environments and conversations I was coming out of.

His eyes seemed to light up at my smile. Shortly after he glanced away from me, shifting a bit uncomfortably. "Xena-"

"Lieutenant." I corrected, narrowing my eyes at him.

He nodded and cleared his throat again. "I'm sorry about earlier, I ju-"

"Don't-" I hushed him, my chest suddenly feeling warm as it filled with anxiety. "Do not bring it up. It's fine. Stop worrying about it." I chuckled nervously, shifting to move out beside him to walk down the hallway.

"Bitte tragen Sie Zivilisten." (Please wear civilians.)

"Warum, denkst du, ich sehe darin hässlich aus?" (Why, do you think I look ugly in this?) I asked in a joking manner, gesturing my hands around my body that was clothed in my military attire.

"Natürlich nicht, du bist trotzdem umwerfend.." (of course not, you're still gorgeous.) he mumbled very quietly, bringing his hands up to fidget in front of him.

"Was?" (what?)  I asked, my eyes flicking up to meet his. "Das habe ich nicht ganz mitbekommen." (I didn't quite catch that.)

"I said no." He replied a little too firmly, causing my eyes to widen slightly. I raised an eyebrow, quickly eyeing him up and down.

"Alright. I'll see you there." I nodded him goodbye, turning back around on my heel and headed off to my barracks room. My face flushed as soon as I turned away, bringing by bottom lip in between my teeth.


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