Chapter 13 - DIE A KING

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(TW: Use of medical instruments and graphic medical content.)



a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.

'Save me from misery, can you save my broken soul? Save me from misery, not my time, don't wanna go.'

König's POV

As soon as the cartel Solider fell to the ground, my blood began to boil. I had found Ghost just a couple minutes prior, him carrying Soap to a more safe area to tend to his wounds. She gave me false assurance that she would be okay, I should have known she wouldn't.

"We all need to regroup, we need to get the hell out of here!" Price shouted over comms, but it fell on deaf ears. The grip on my rifle tightened as I brought two of my fingers up to my ear piece. "Price, I need a medic, Revenant is down." I whispered in a low tone.

"How bad is it??" He asked in a panicked voice.

"It's not good." I replied shakily, turning my head to find the medic rushing up behind me, bumping into my shoulder as she passed me.

She placed her index and middle finger on her neck in a spot just below her ear, a sigh coming from her. "She's alive," the medic looked up to me. "But barely." She added, setting her backpack beside herself, flipping Xena onto her back. I grimaced as my eyes made contact with the knife lodged in her chest. I felt some bile rise in my throat, clearing it to try and make it go away.

Around this time the medic pulled her head back so that her chin was tilted up, popping her jaw back and placing a laryngoscope down her throat.  I heard her gag and groan, unconsciously reaching up to the medic's hand. The medic grabbed it and pinned it under her knee, then reached inside her bag and pulled out a clear, flexible long tube. She pulled back on the scope, causing Xena to gag once again, and the medic slipped the tube down her throat. After she was done she pulled the scope from her mouth, connecting a bag-valve mask to the end of it and slowly began squeezing it. Her chest rose and fell with each breath, letting the medic know she was in the right place.

Soap, Price, Gaz and Ghost jogged up and surrounded Xena, kneeling down beside her.

"Steaming bloody Jesus.." Soap murmured, Gaz grimacing.

"Fuckin' hell." Ghost mumbled.

"Did you call for a med-evac?" The medic asked, looking up to Price, to which he nodded. "They're 5 minutes out."

"Will she make it..?" He asked lowly.

"I hope so." The medic replied.

My heart sank in my chest, but then it began to beat rapidly. I could feel the beginnings of a panic attack creeping up on me. Several minutes passed as I tried my hardest to keep my composure, my body betraying me as I began to tremble.

I heard the heli land at the entrance of the warehouse, a few other medics shuffling out with a stretcher. They quickly rushed over to Xena, picking her up and setting her on it. Everyone took a couple steps back to give them room to work, but I stood exactly where I was, bringing my hands up to my chest.

One of the medics pulled a strap which made her IOTV completely break apart, leaving her compression shirt under her. Even though it was black, you could still see the reflection of the blood surrounding the throwing knife.

They secured the knife with bandages and looked up, then to Price. "We gotta get the hell out of here, this building is gonna collapse." He said hastily, picking one end of the stretcher up and the female medic grabbed the other.

Another Evac heli landed, the team nodded and headed the direction of the entrance. I followed closely behind the medics, my heart still racing.

"Is there room for me in there?" I asked quietly.

"What??" The male medic yelled, turning back to look at me.

"Is there room for me in the heli?!" I snapped, my words coming out a little harsher than I expected.

"In the back. Don't touch anything and stay the fuck out of our way." The medic hissed, and I simply nodded.

The team loaded into the heli, and they loaded Xena into the other, and I took a seat in the corner as the stretcher they brought out secured into the floor. Just as we entered, the warehouse collapsed with an extremely loud bang. The door to the heli closed, and just like that we were in the sky.

The female medic grabbed some clothing scissors and cut Xena's shirt down the middle, ripping it apart so that her chest was exposed with the exception of her bra. They redressed the would, keeping the knife still as they worked. Her entire chest and stomach was covered in crimson fluid, the smell of metal and alcohol filling the cabin.

They attached little electrodes to her skin, then snapped in some leads that hooked up to some kind of heart monitor. They also put in a small catheter into a place in her wrist which measured her blood pressure. The medic continued to squeeze the bag that was helping her breathe, both of their eyes fixated on the monitor displaying her heart rhythm.

The monitor would alarm occasionally, reminding them that her heart rate was getting high, or that her blood pressure was getting too low. One of the medics had also started an IV in her neck, hooking her up to some kind of fluid.


The heli landed some time later back on base at the army hospital. The medics jumped out and unloaded her, rushing her into the trauma center's doors. I followed suit, but as soon as they situated her in a room, I was approached by a doctor in ivory colored scrubs.

"You cannot go in there." He said sternly, taking a step in front of me.

"Bitte-" I mumbled, trying to step around him, but each way I tried to turn he stepped in front of me again and again. It was pissing me off.


"VERDAMMTE BEWEGUNG!" (Fucking move!) I screamed, my thick German accent lacing with each word.

The doctor pushed me against the wall by the door of the room she was in, his arm holding my chest down.

"She needs surgery, you cannot go in there!" He hissed, giving my chest a shove before backing off. "If you want your girlfriend or whatever to live, you need to back the hell off and go wait!" He shouted, taking his stethoscope off from around his neck and walking into the room.

I brought my hands up to my chest again, tears pricking the corners of my eyes as I felt multiple sets of eyes staring at me, causing my heart to race. I was overstimulated, too much was happening at once. I ran out of the emergency department doors, quickly clipping my helmet off. I barely got my veil off in time before I spewed my guts all over the sidewalk, gripping the brick wall to steady myself.

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