social equivalent of withdrawals

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late night drives
talking to you
you helped to calm me down
when i really needed it
making my day when i was down
that went away because you were a wench
and though, i have people around
it's a bit tough due to them having their own lives
like i should have
trying to make you happy wasn't my job
and I shouldn't have taken it on
and that's reliance on humans, folks
something terrible that rips you apart
and hurts the both of you
and sure, i may not be the victim
but it sure felt that way
again, id like to take a moment to thank
those who are around, and i have talked with
and truly do care
for example, skyy, my new friend
he's been there for me
and it's unconditional
and not unhealthy
and that's what matters
help without strings
and for that, everyone who is still here,
is why you don't built too tight a bond for too long

I'll Be Fine (pt. 1 of 2)Where stories live. Discover now