The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization

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 Rose and Penny were talking about what had gone down with Derek and Rebekah since she didn't feel like talking about it until she was ready. The two were sitting on the couch and enjoying some mixed drinks when there was a sudden loud burst of music from the guys' apartment so they decided to go to them. Penny opened the door and saw all the guys dancing ape-like around the living room.

"Hey, guys," Rose said, causing the guys to stop and turn to the girls awkwardly immediately, "It's a little loud,"

"No problem. Turning it down," Howard said, "San Francisco, Lisbon, Halifax..." the sound lowered, "and viola,"

"Thanks," Rose smiled and turned to leave with Penny.

"Hang on, hang on," Leonard rushed to see the girls, "do you not realize what we just did?"

"Yeah. you turned your stereo down with your laptop," Penny said.

"Uh, no, we turned our stereo down by sending a signal around the world via the internet," Sheldon piped in.

"You know, you can just get one of those universal remotes at RadioShack," Penny said.

"Yeah, they're cheap," Rose shrugged.

"Uh, no. You guys don't get it," Leonard looked towards the laptop, "Howard was able to enable public access,"

"Public access enabled,"

They stood there for a few seconds with nothing happening and Penny was over it, "boy, that's terrific, but I'll see you,"

"No, hang on. No, hang on," Leonard pleaded.

The two girls looked at each other and shrugged. A few more seconds pass and the lights flicker.

"No," Penny said.

"Someone in Sichuan Province, China is using his computer to turn our lights on and off," Sheldon pointed.

"That's handy," Rose said, "Why?"

"Because we can," the guys shrugged.

The toy cars had turned on, "they found the remote-control cars!" Sheldon exclaimed.

They all drove to the girls when Penny noticed something with the cars, "what is on top of the cars?"

"Wireless webcams. Wave hello," Leonard said with a motion of a wave.

"Monster truck is out of Austin, Texas and the blue Viper is being operated from suburban Tel Aviv," Howard smiled.

"You guys might wanna put some slacks on," Sheldon pointed at the laptop.

"What?" Penny asked.

Rose looked down and saw that she was wearing a short skirt so she immediately pushed back one of the cars and ran back to the apartment without Penny. Penny followed suit and slammed the door shut. They both shivered in disgust before bidding each other good night and went to their rooms.

A few days passed, and Rose was helping Leonard find what he would wear to the conference. They were in his room as Rose was looking through his closet.

"How are things going with Sheldon? Are you guys still not talking to each other?"

"Not only is he still not talking to me, but there's this thing he does where he stares at you and tries to get your brain to explode," Leonard said, causing Rose to turn and stare at him, "you know, like in the classic sci-fi movie, 'Scanners'? Like, Bzz-pshh," Leonard motioned towards his temple then waved his hand, "Never mind," he then took a suit from his closet, "how about this one? It says, 'I know my physics, but I'm still a fun guy,'"

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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