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The following day, Halig had Y/N up scouting the area with Clapa, Hild, and Sihtric. Hoping to see if Kjartan would come after Uhtred after he threatened his son, however, it wasn't Kjartan men that rode past in the early hours of the morning, it was, supposedly, Sigefrid and Erik.
"They're coming from the North. It could only be the brothers Sigefrid and Erik." Sihtric confirmed as if he understood their movements.
"Not Kjartan?" Hild asked, but Sihtric shook his head.
"Would you say if it was?" Halig asked, making them all look at Sihtric. Having had a very valid point.
"Three of us should remain here and watch. Two of us should return to Uhtred." Sihtric suggested.
"It is not your place to decide what we do. Lord Uhtred put me in command." Halig snapped, making Sihtric eye him up. Y/N smirked slightly at Halig's response. The Dane was annoying him at the moment.
"Oh, yes, Lord." Clapa taunted, making Y/N chuckle.
"Hild, you will return to Uhtred," Halig stated.
"Alone?" Hild asked.
"With Sihtric," Halig said, making them all snicker.
"The two of us?" Hild asked.
"Take, Y/N with you," Halig stated.
"Of course, Lord." Y/N mimicked, making them all laugh. Y/N got up and followed Sihtric and Hild quietly back to the camp. The two women giggled along the way.

When they reached Uhtred, they informed quickly of what they saw. Once she informed in, she headed back off in the direction of her tent to go back to sleep when Uhtred called after her. "Has Sihtric taught you how to fight yet?"
"Uhtred. I am going back to sleep." Y/N stated. Pointing her tent.
"Sihtric. Do not let her go to sleep. Drag her out of that tent if you have to." Y/N stood there staring blankly, feeling completely exhausted from the sudden waking at the crack of dawn. Y/N looked at Sihtric, who stared at her awkwardly.
"Fine!" She breathed out, unclenching her fist. Sihtric nodded, turning his back towards her. She followed him to a field slowly. Waiting for him to tell her what to do. Sihtric pulled out his sword, watching her cautiously as he pulled out his sword. Y/N did the same and pulled out her sword. Sihtric nodded at her, wanting her to strike first. Y/N thought she could be funny by using all her strength to aim for his face, but he blocked it easily, resulting in a blow to her forearm. She tried again, but he blocked her.
"You are too impulsive." Sihtric said, making the woman grunt, "and predictable."
"How is it impulsive when you ruined my face, you ugly rat." Y/N spat, as she gripped her forearm. She swore she could see him get upset, but instead, he glared at her, "We should stop. Practice tomorrow." Y/N glared at him one last time before walking off back to her tent. Hild looked at her, about to ask her, if she was alright, but she shook her head. Hild refused to take no for an answer and approached her, pulling her into a hug, and letting the younger woman cry.
"What happened?" Hild asked.
"I hate it here! I can't fight! Leofric is dead!" Y/N cried. Hild stroked her back gently.
"Stay in the tent and rest. I will tell Uhtred you are sick." Hild offered. Y/N nodded, thanking Hild.

When she walked into her tent, she sat on the floor, cross-legged with her head on the bed as she closed her eyes. Thinking back to what Isuelt said when she said she could only go back when Uhtred's path was complete. Would she go back when he rescued his sister? When they killed Kjartan. Y/N did not realise how long she was sitting there when Clapa informed her they were going back to Eoferwic. Y/N noticed Sigefrid's men were coming with them, along with the fat Dane they saved. The fat Dane looked at her and gave her a smile, which she politely returned, but still kept close to Clapa protection, even though Sihtric rode closely beside her. Keeping his word that he would protect her. He never said one word to her, just stayed closely beside her, until they reached Eoferwic. Y/N climbed off of her horse and pulled her horse to the stables, tying it up, and listening to Uhtred question Sihtric about the weaknesses of the Kjartan fortress.
"There are none, Lord," Sihtric stated. Repeating the sentence. Uhtred ignored him and decided to go to Dunholm himself to find out. Y/N watched Sihtric carefully as she watched him look around the corner. Why is he looking at Sigefrid and Erik? Y/N decided to move towards him slowly, following him. Sihtric stopped and turned around, looking at her with a confused look on his face, "what are you doing?"
"I am following you. My protector is wandering off, so I must follow." Y/N said sarcastically.
"You are a strange woman. To follow a man taking a shit." He snapped back. Guess he's a little sensitive from earlier today.
"I do not trust you. That is a fact." Y/N said slowly, walking towards him, "You may not be loyal to Kjartan, but you could be loyal to Sigefrid."
"I have given my sword to Uhtred. I am sworn to him. I swore it on Thors Hammer." Sihtric stated.
"We shall see. Swearing on a God doesn't mean anything." Y/N said. She did not trust him, but what she did not know was he wasn't the disloyal one. It was someone closer to her.

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