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"Sihtric, do not fret anymore," Y/N said as she pulled Sihtric into a hug as soon as they were alone in their room. She hated seeing him so angry, it made her sad, yet he had every right to be upset with the way people treated him for being a Dane.
"How can I not." Sihtric spat as he sat on the chair at the table. "How can I, when my wife is being called a whore, just for being my wife." Y/N sighed and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as she rested her head on his hair.
"Nor should you have to defend me," Sihtric mumbled. Y/N kissed his head before running her hands through his hair.
"Well, it's too late now," Y/N mumbled as she played with the metal bead in his hair, tightening it so it wouldn't fall out. "And you shouldn't be so cruel to your wife either." Sihtric sat up and pulled her towards him, allowing her to sit on his lap. Y/N reached up and gently stroked his swollen cheek, from the fight earlier today. She hated seeing him all bruised, even though the men looked worse.
"No more fighting, Sihtric," Y/N whispered, kissing the bruise gently, running her lips across his jaw. Sihtric lifted her chin to plant a soft kiss on her lips. Y/N deepened it and pushed him closer towards her when a knock came at the door.
"It's Finan. Get dressed, Uhtred has word from the King." Finan said from behind the door.

Uhtred had gone to pay King Alfred a visit after Father Beocca convinced him to put any feud at rest, knowing they both had a rather complex history. Sometimes, Y/N thought they were allies or perhaps friends. Particularly when Iseult saved the boy nearly four years ago, but things seemed to change over the years. The King would either betray Uhtred or Uhtred would betray him. It was an unusual relationship that somehow worked or didn't work, but Y/N had hoped the King would at least pardon Uhtred for the mistakes he had made and the two could rekindle their friendship, but that could be a far-fetched thought as Uhtred did put a knife to his throat. Either way, it was going to be Alfred's call on whatever the agreement was going to be.
"How quick until we are banished again," Y/N said as she opened the door to Finan.
"At this rate, we will be banished because of Sihtric," Finan said as he looked at Sihtric's face who glared at him but said nothing, only reaching for his wife's hand. Y/N had at least expected him to let go of her hand when they walked outside, but he didn't, he kept it there until they reached Beoccas home, where his hand reached towards her thigh as they listened to Uhtred explain the King wanted Uhtred to swear an Oath to Edward, to protect him, but Uhtred, along with the rest of them did not agree. Finan disagreed, as the Danes still pose a threat to the crown and to Uhtred. Whichever way they looked at it, there was still a threat.
"Judging by the cackle in the Alehouse. Edward is not any man's choice anyway." Finan stated honestly. It was true. There were far too many jokes along with concerns for the boy.
"Men are saying what?" Uhtred asked.
"That Edward has a face like a woman's arse and you're only to kill him," Sihtric answered.
"News of your pardon will change what people say." Father Beocca disagreed in hopes that Uhtred may dissuade the people.
"Thyra? Thyra... What is it?" Father Beocca got up, making them all look around to see a very upset Thyra.
"Thyra why the tears?" Father Beocca called out, but Thyra would not answer, telling him it didn't matter, but Y/N saw straight through it, as did Sihtric. Thyra was being tormented too. It was still happening.
"Thyra, did someone hurt you," Hild asked, urging her to speak.
"It... It was a man named Tidman... He did not understand why... Why I was here!" Thyra choked out. Sihtric's hand tightened around Y/Ns thigh as they watched Father Beocca's face shift into anger.
"I will not tolerate this anymore." Father Beocca said as he stormed out of his house.

Uhtred looked at them to follow, in case something were to happen. Y/N followed too, leaving Hild with Thyra, just in case Sihtric got himself into more trouble.
"Maybe you should let me speak to this man." Uhtred suggested, knowing he could perhaps cease the situation.
"I am quite capable. She is my wife." Father Beocca stated as a matter of fact.
"Yes, but you have a temper." Uhtred said worriedly.
"I do, and it is up." Father Beocca said angrily. Y/N looked at Sihtric as they walked around, noticing the way his jaw locked in anger.
"Tidman! I am looking for a rat named Tidman!" Father Beocca called around until they reached the Alehouse. Sihtric stopped slightly in front of her as he watched the table, noticing it was the same group of men from earlier. The same men who insulted and slandered Y/N. Sihtric looked back at Y/N with a knowing look. How stupid could this man be to target someone from the same group? He's already been battered twice! And now a holy man has come to do the same!
"Father Beocca, good morning," Æthelwold said as he came out to greet Father Beocca, giving him an ignorant smile. "And Uhtred a free man of Wessex." Sihtric crossed his arms in anger as he watched Æthelwold, realising these men all belonged to him, that he was the reason for the way Y/N and Thyra were being treated. It was him.
"I'm looking for a man named Tidman. Does the coward belong to you?" Father Beocca asked sarcastically, knowing the answer. As did they all.
"He does not." Æthelwold plainly said.
"I am not a coward," Tidman said, finally getting up to confront the priest. "What is it you want priest?"
"What I want, of, is for you to heed my warning. Speak or go near my wife again and I shall beat the shit from you!" Father Beocca spat. Y/N smirked, her tongue touching her tooth in humour as she looked at Finan who stroked his beard af Father Beoccas attitude.
"It is a promise." Father Beocca added.
"I called your woman a Dane. Is that... Is that not what she is?" Tidman said sarcastically.
"Have you not understood me? You do not appear to be the cleverest of men." Father Beocca said slowly.
"Do you speak to me as a man or a Priest?" Just as Tidman said that Father Beocca smacked his head against him, yelling at him, before punching him in the face repeatedly in anger,"does that answer your question?" Sihtric ran towards Father Beocca and pulled him, along with Uhtred, while Y/N, Finan and Osferth stood there in shock, as they watched Father Beocca turn red with rage.
"I do not hide beneath these robes!" Father Beocca spat. "Bastard! She's a woman! A gentle woman and she has suffered enough! I am warning you once!"

Sihtric slowly let go of Father Beocca and looked at Y/N, nodding his head in the reassurance that he was fine. Even a quick grin was present on Sihtric's face as he looked back at Father Beocca. A side no one had seen before.
"I am calm! I am calm now!" Father Beocca said to Uhtred that he would release him, only for Father Beocca to run straight through the two men to beat him again.
"Woah. Woah. Woah." They all said as they went to grab Father Beocca before he did more damage than he should. Sihtric let go of Father Beocca and looked at Y/N with a smirk, as he looked back at Tidman who was wiping his bloodied bruised nose.
"This rotten air that fills Winchester is due to you and the likes of you. England is a land for all tribes who wish to settle and live in peace. Your father would be ashamed of you." Father Beocca said before he walked off.
"Go with him." Uhtred said to Sihtric who nodded, placing his hand on Y/Ns back to get her to follow.
"Well that was unexpected," Osferth said.
"For Beocca or for Tidman?" Sihtric asked, raising his eyebrow at Osferth. "The man has been beaten up three times today."
"I doubt he will learn his lesson," Y/N mumbled, making Sihtric look at her.
"He better learn, otherwise he will be a dead man if he so much breathes near you." Sihtric spat. Y/N grabbed Sihtric's hand and pulled him into a hug, outside Father Beocca's door, placing a kiss on his neck. Sihtric buried his head in her shoulder as he held her.
"You are very special to me, my love. Do not ever doubt that." Sihtric whispered.
"I do not ever doubt you. I just worry how bad it will get."
"I will protect you whatever may come, but I cannot promise I will hurt no man."

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