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If Y/N had to be honest she half understood why they were going to St Wilfred's Monastery to find a priest. Uhtred needed a priest to intercept a group of monks who were collecting relics of the body of St. Oswald to make the land of Mercia holy. The reason why this benefited Uhtred is because the last relic of St. Oswald's heart apparently was in Bebbanburg with Aelfric, which neither of them understood why Beocca could not advise. It made perfect sense to have him there, but he was not ready to return to Bebbanburg. He still had duties, but he also had not finished mourning and did not wish to leave the soil where his wife was buried. Which meant they had to find another priest. Except, they did not know of any other priest other than Pyrlic, Beocca and Hild.
"Uhtred?" Y/N looked over at Uhtred with a confused expression. "Who is this other priest?"
"I would also like to know too Lord?" Finan added.
"You will see when we get him." Uhtred said with a smirk as he tugged on his reigns to head down the hill into the forest.
"Have I met this priest?" Y/N asked, trying to think back if it was someone she met years ago with Uhtred or back when Leofric was alive, yet she still could not remember any other priest that would at least be willing to help them. The only priest names that popped into her head were Bishop Erkenwald, Bishop Cleveland, and Bishop Aelwald. None of which, actually like Uhtred.
"You have. Once or twice." Uhtred answered. Y/N looked at Finan who shrugged. They really had no clue who this priest was.
"We stop here." Uhtred said as he climbed off of his horse, tying it up to the tree.

The three of them looked at each other in confusion, having no clue whatsoever. Y/N followed and tied up her horse to the other tree, looking at Uhtred, who was thinking up a plan.
"I, Sihtric and Finan will go into the monastery to collect the monk. Y/N you will wait here with the horses." Uhtred said.
"Why?" Y/N asked.
"It is a Brotherhood... Unless you want to make monks break their oaths, you're better off staying out here." Uhtred answered, making Y/N roll her eyes at the sexist behaviour.
"Fine! I will stay here." Y/N said as she looked over at her husband who scrunched his face up, not understanding either.
"Sihtric," Y/N called, tilting her head, and beckoning him over.
"I reckon Uhtred is kidnapping a priest and this particular priest does not like him," Y/N warned.
"Is that what Hild told you?" Sihtric asked. Y/N nodded, making her husband sigh. He really did not know what he was in for now. Sihtric shook his head kissing her on the forehead before following Uhtred to the monastery, while Y/N waited all alone in the woods.

Y/N did not know how long she was going to wait, but she was becoming extremely bored. The sun had even set and it was now night.
"I reckon they failed at kidnapping the monk. Don't you think so?" Y/N whispered to her horse, flapping its ears. It felt like she had waited a whole day, but in reality, they had probably been gone an hour, two at max.
"Do you think my husband would be mad if I wandered off? Probably?" Y/N whispered to the horse. She was incredibly bored and could not be bothered to stand around so she went off to do her business when she heard some boy shouting in the distance, "get off me!... Who are you?" Y/N walked over to find Finan and Uhtred dragging a young monk over, with a sack on his head.
"I thought you said a priest.... He's a boy!!" Y/N said, completely shocked at what she saw in front of her. Sihtric and Finan let go of the priest, taking the bag off of his head.
"Men... This is my son, Young Uhtred." Uhtred said proudly, but the boy screwed his face up in utter disgust.
"I do not use that name anymore. It belongs to a priest killer." Young Uhtred spat. Y/N looked at Sihtric who was standing beside her. She was utterly confused. I thought they needed a priest to intercept a group of monks on the road to Bebbanburg, so why was Uhtred using his son to get to Bebbanburg? Y/N was so confused and it seemed Sihtric was also confused.
"I'm here to guide you back to your family." Uhtred said gently.
"The Church is my family." Young Uhtred rebuked.
"No, it is not. You were placed there without my permission."
"Praise be to King Alfred for that."

Uhtred looked at Finan and then to Y/N but they both shrugged. It was not their problem. They were not the boy's parents.
"We are leaving this place and you are coming with me." Uhtred spoke up, but it seemed none of the right words were coming through.
"Am I?" The boy asked.
"Yes, you have no choice... Take off the woman's garb and wear this..." Finan threw a pile of clothes at the boy who looked at them all in disgust. "And... I have a gift for you... Sihtric." Y/N turned around to see her husband with a very small horse. A pony. Y/N couldn't help it and started to laugh.
"Oh no!" Y/N breathed out, struggling to breathe as her stomach tightened, to the point she had to look at the floor, even Finan was struggling not to laugh.
"Impressive beast." Young Uhtred said, making Y/N slightly snort in laughter.  Eventually, she calmed down and looked over at her husband who was stroking the horse's head, as if the horse was insulted. Sihtric looked over at his wife before looking away, biting the inside of his cheek to stop him from laughing.
"Ride to Coccham with us. In time, we will find you a proper horse." Uhtred, I don't think he can fit on the horse. Y/N thought as she imagined a very tall boy on a small horse.
"Why would I go to Coccham?" Young Uhtred asked.
"To collect the ship that will take us north to reclaim your birthright and mine." Uhtred paused realising his son had no clue what he was talking about. "To seize back what was lost and unite our family. I'm taking you to Bebbanburg."
"Never heard of it." Young Uhtred quickly retorted.
"Ahhh." Finan said, chuckling loudly to himself as the situation had become so thick with awkwardness that it had become rather humorous for them all, besides the Uhtreds as they stared at one another in irritation, until Uhtred broke off the stare and walked towards his horse.
"He doesn't seem to like yu very much." Finan stated as he looked at Y/N who made a noise as she looked over at the boy who was standing there, watching them. Y/N looked back at her husband who shook the reins around the horse awkwardly. Y/N sighed and scratched her head, before deciding what to do, because it was humiliating as it is to be kidnapped by your father's men, let alone riding a small horse.
"You can ride with me." Y/N said, nodding the boy over towards her horse, waiting for him to approach, before helping him up onto her horse.
"What is your name anyway, kid?" Y/N asked as she slid herself behind him.
"Oswald." Young Uhtred answered.
"Oswald." Y/N repeated as she looked at Uhtred, "like Saint Oswald..."

Y/N: Guys... This chapter made no sense... Like you guys are too nice!!! There were soooo many errors and I think I wrote this chapter when I was drunk because I went off on a tangent about it being night time!! 🤣🤣Like the sentence starter about "half understanding what is going on" I didn't even understand myself.🥺🥺

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