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It was a typical day on the Going Merry. The sun was shining with the ocean's crashing waves in the background. Zoro was asleep, Luffy was playing, Usopp and chopper with luffy having fun, Nami was sun bathing, and Sanji was in the kitchen with Robin.

Everything was normal. Until the recollection happend.

"HEY NO FAIR!!!" Luffy shouted at the top of his lungs.

"HAHAHAHAHA YEAH SO WHAT!?" Usopp screamed after luffy.

"HEY! Be quiet!" Nami shouted at the boys playing tag on the deck. Luffy and the other two boys all immediately stoped in there tracks staring at Nami in slight fear.

"Ok!" Luffy yelled giving her a thumbs up to let her know they'd be more quiet. But at that moment his eyes and mind started to wonder. He looked up. There was Zoro sitting up in the crows nest just sleeping there because it was slightly more quite. His face turned red and flushed. Luffy immediately fell to the floor in a panic due to these unknown emotions. Usopp and Chopper followed his panic because of his random fall onto the floor.

"Hey are you ok luffy!?" Usopp quickly blurted out in fear.

"Yeah luffy you look kinda of sick. Your face is bright red?! Come on let me check you out in my office..." Chopper quickly stammered.

"I- uh-" Luffy couldn't speak not one bit. His face bright red and still staring at the sleeping Zoro. ("He looks so peaceful up there all by him self...") Luffy thought to him self quickly shaking his head after to bring him self back to reality. "N-no Chopper im... Fine... I think..." He laughed lightly to reassure them.

"Are you sure? You really should go with Chopper what if you are sick?" Usopp said to hopefully convince his reckless captain to go get checked out.

"No im serially fine guys..." He dident smile he dident laugh. He just stayed there on the ground. Staring at Zoro from a far. ("What the hell are these feelings? Are these even feeling or am I serially sick or something... What's wrong with me!") He quickly flung him self up in a panic running to the kitchen as fast as he could.

~~ Up with Zoro in the nest ~~

Zoro wasn't fully asleep he was just sitting there kinda of dozing off but still awake. He was listening to his captains playful screams and the ocean waves. He liked it up in the nest alone and quiet and away from the chaos down below. Zoro dident move when he heard luffy fall he just lisend more closely. He opened his eyes when he heard the crashing of a door.

"Hey Nami! What just happened!?" Zoro shouted down to were Nami was sun bathing.

"I'm not fully sure to be honest. All I said was to be quiet and then moments after he fell to the ground in a panic with a red flushed face of fear. I don't think I did anything wrong. I hope I didn't..." Nami said with a slightly worried tone in her voice.

"Ok..." Zoro said with a suspicious and worried tone in his voice. "Odd".

"I know right!?" Nami stated quickly. "I really do hope he's ok..." she whispered softly. ("That's not like him to panic like that for no reason...")

~~ The next dayyyyyy ~~ ( I'll try not to time skip to much 😅)

"Luffy what are you doing???" Usopp said quietly to hopefully not scare his sneaking captin. Luffy's soul had left his body once Usopp started talking to him.

"OMG USOPP WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?!?" Luffy quietly screamed and jumped in fear due to Ussop whispering in his ear out of no were.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to know what you were doing!..."

"..." Luffy dident speak he just stood there were he was. Why Usopp was so curious about what his captin was doing was because of were he was. Luffy was just looking up from the bottom of the crows nest to the top... were Zoro was sleeping. Again. This was wierd to him why did he care and why was he here being creepy about were Zoro was.

"Are you ok?" Usopp said when luffy seemed to get his soul back from flouting away from fear.

"Yeahhhhhh I'm fine" Luffy said with his regular big toothy smile.

"Ok what ever you say captin...: Usopp went around the corner so luffy couldn't see him watching. Once Usopp left Luffy started climbing the ladder to get to the nest were Zoro was most likely to sleep. And he was. He was completely nocked out up in crows nest. Luffy looked around up there frantically. Then he just quietly crawled into Zoros lap. His face brighter then a tomato or even the sun at this point. Buried its self into Zoro's chest before he fell instantly asleep.

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