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Luffy wakes up quietly before stretching his arms high in to the air. The boys yawn echos through the mostly empty boys cabin. Luffy finally looks down to were his pillow should be when he sees a sleeping Zoro beneath him.

("W-WHAT!? W-WHY!? H-HOW!? Z-OR-") Luffys thoughts are stopped by Zoros tight sleeping embrace. Although frightened, Luffy gave in to the embrace. He sets his head down and stared in to Zoros peaceful face for a moment before drifting back to sleep.

"IS HE OK!?!?" Choppers shrill screams from out side woke the peacefully sleeping captain. Luffy frantically looked around for Zoro but he wasn't there. The only thing the swords man had left was his white button shirt and Luffy sleeping in his hammock cuddled and rapped in a blanket.

"ZORO TELL US WHATS GOING ON!" Nami screeched at Zoro who's barly awake.

"Why does it matter he's fine!" He says in a aggressively sleepy manor.

"THEN WHY DID YOU NEED MY HELP WITH BANDAGES AND ANTIBIOTICS! HUH!?" The frightened Chopper scream crys every word in a panic.

Zoro sighs. The swords man's swords clank agenst the Merrys floor as he gets down on one knee to talk to Chopper.

"Chopper, I needed those things to help my wounds. And I know you could have down it little buddy but I needed to learn just in case, ok?" Zoros words are soft and gentle to make sure not to startle the poor reindeer any more.

"O-ok Zoro... what ever you say...." Chopper gets pats on the head from Zoro to reassure him.

Luffy stands in the door of the boys cabin just staring. Zoros white button shirt on, and tight clean bandage rap around his arm and head. He looks down at his left arm.

("Zoro did this?....") He stares at his arm for a minute before looking back up. In barly a second of looking back up luffy was on the ground.

"YOU IDOIT DONT SCARE US LIKE THAT!!" A very worried Nami flung her self on to luffy in a moments notice. She held the boy tight to make sure he wouldn't squirm againstthe hard floor.

"H-huh? Why would you be worried?"

"Zoro said you guys were attacked" Sanji cuts in. He walks over the Nami and luffy as he takes a puff of his cigarette. "So what happened? You got pretty banged up I see"

Luffy looks at his left hand and almost begins to shake from remembering what happen last night. Ashamed of what happend he can no longer speak, the words just simply wouldn't leave his running thoughts.

"He got nocked out, so he wouldn't remember" Zoro said quickly, he could notice the fear growing on luffys face when he wasn't responding. Luffys body loosens when he hears Zoros words, he looks up to see the swords man next to him.

"R-right...." Luffy scratches his head. "I have no clue what happend!" Luffy laughs with a big smile. The whole crew starts to feel at ease that there silly captain is ok and well.

"Well then, how about lunch!" Sanjis big smile and comment had a great response from the hungry crew.

"Oohhh, yes!" Usopp races to the kitchen followed by a tiny Chopper. As every one follows in to the kitchen these a sense of normalcy on the ship once again. The only two who weren't in the kitchen by now, are luffy, and Zoro. Luffy trys to stand but his weak knees make him.

"Woah" Zoro panics at luffys unstability. "D-do you want help?" Something you would never hear from the usually lonely and aggressive swords man of the crew.

"Yes, p-please Zoro..." Luffys face gets flush with a pink color as Zoro helps him stand.

"How are you feeling? Is there any pain?" His worried tone takes luffy off guard.

"U-uh no... there's no pain" Luffy panics with his words because of Zoros hand wrapped around his waist.

Zoro sighs in relief.

"Well that's good" Zoros rarely seen smile makes luffy blush more.


"OWW!" Neither of the two boys had realized they started walking for the kitchen. So when luffy slammed his shin in to the wooden stair, it caused a panic.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Usopp hides under the table.

Sanji sighs and lifts the table cloth.

"It was nothing you big idiot now come here" Sanji offers his hand to the frightened Usopp under the table. Usopp takes the cooks ruff hands to help him up. Sanji offers Usopp a hug to calm his nerves. Usopp Cowars in fear behind Sanji, his arms wrapped tight around the cooks small waist.

An angry sigh leaves Sanjis smokey mouth.

"Owwwww that really hurtttttt" Luffy pouts on the floor because of his now bruised knee.

"Oh my god Luffy" Zoro chuckles at there stuiped action. Blush spreading across both of the guys faces. "What am I going to do with you?~" Zoro leans in close to Luffys face.

"Y-YOULL DO NOTHING I-IM THE CAPTAIN HEREEE!" Luffys bright red face and pure panic from how close Zoro was made the swords man laugh once more. Even though Zoro seemed perfectly calm on the outside he was panic on the inside.

("I-I DONT KNOW HOW TO FLIRT, WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING? WHAT ID I FUCK UP? WHAT IF HE HATES ME? WHAT IF SOMEONE SEES??") But luffys laugh puts Zoros nerves to ease. His captains soft giggles are paired with the screams of Sanji telling them foods ready. The once giggles turn in to full hearted belly laughs from the captain because of the angry cook screaming.

This perfect sight made Zoro blush for his captain. He truly wishes these moments would never end.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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