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"I'm going to protect you..... no matter what...."

Luffy grips on to Zoros shirt to make sure he wouldn't leave.

"P-please... never leave me again...." Luffy lifts his head to face Zoro. The raven haired boy caresses Zoros wet face.

"Z-zoro~..." Luffy quietly said his name as he stared in to the taller man's sparkling eyes. The moon light glistened on Zoros wet cheaks. Luffys face turned a shade of pinkish red the longer he stared in to Zoros eyes.

Zoro started to pant the longer Luffy stared at him. Luffys beautiful raven hair flutterd in the wind. Luffys once cold and emotionless eyes had a sparkle of hope and wanting. Zoros mind raced at the silence that needed to be fille-

Luffys eyes widen as he starts to grip at Zoros hair, pure shock fills his body as he gives in. Zoros eyes close shut tight as he leans in, he grips his waist to make sure Luffy dosnt fall. Zoro pushes deeper, in to the kiss he started. The ever lasting silence was filled by Zoro kissing luffy. He couldn't hold him self back any more. Seeing luffys face, his needy eyes and wanting expression drove him crazy. So he kissed him in moment of panic.

The kiss is finally broken, both guys panting from the little air they had left. They stared deeper in to each other's eyes. Then the panic settled in.

"I-IM SO S-SORRY, L-LUFFY I-I-" He let go of the embrace and jumped down the latter leaving Luffy there, wanting more.

"D-dont lea-!" Luffy didn't react in time for Zoro to notice his quiet words. He sits down stuned at what happend. Luffy touchs his lips with the tip of his finger. "S-shit~..."

~ In the girls cabin, Namis room ~

Nami lays trying to sleep in her bed, when suddenly.

"NAMI I FUCKED UP. I FUCKED UP SO BAD" He collapses barly breathing.

"WOAH WOAH HOLY SHIT WHATS WRONG!??" Zoro scurry across the floor frantically breathing as tears roll down his bright red face.



"I-I KISSED HIM!!" Zoros voice is high piched and cracking from panic. Nami stares stund.

"Y-you... WHAT!?? REALLY!?"


"OH ZORO THATS GREAT!! HOW DID HE RESPOND!?" Namis smile is great and big.

"H-how did he-.... how did he.... react?.." Zoros eyes widen. "SHIT"

"W-what? What's wrong?"

"I-I left him alone! I shouldn't leave him alone! H-his arm... h-his... FUCK" He runs, and flings him self quickly up the latter. "LU-" He stopped.

Luffy lay on the bench up in nest asleep, gentle bandages lay loosely on his bleeding arm. Zoro sighs, though broken his captain is ok.

"I wish I could love you.... but I'd only cause you more pain.... Luffy please forgive me...." Zoro quietly whispers as he fixes the bandages on Luffys arm to end the mostly stoped bleeding. "I'm never going to leave your side... never agian...."

Zoro rests his head on luffys chest for a moment before bringing him to bed. He rests the Raven haired boys head on his chest when he lays down in his hammock. He stokes the boys hair.

("Your really starting to worry my Luffy...") Zoro hugs luffy until he falls asleep.

~{ Blind love }~ ( Zolu )Where stories live. Discover now