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"What is it Lu- OH MY GOD!!!"

Chopper had walked into somthing that made his jaw drop. Luffy was on top of Zoro with his knee in Zoro's crotch. Zoro was on the table with his elbows on the bed laying back Luffy had a rag trying to soak up the blood from Zorors head. But Zoro... He looked as is he was going to faint his face was neon red and he was sweating and breathing heavy.

"Zoro stop breathing so hard!" Luffy said tying to stop the bleeding. He hadn't even noticed the little horrified Chopper in the corner.

"L-Luffy what are you d-doing? Do you guys need a minute?... like beforeI help orrrrr?..." Chopper was concerned for what he walked into. He didn't want to bother his captin or first mate in what ever they were doing.

"No Chopper I need your help!!!" Luffy seemed more panicked then usual. This wasn't the first time Zoro had fallen somewhere high and had what he called "just a splinter".

"O-Ok Luffy. Make sure to keep pressure on it ok?" Chopper got a box from his table and brought it to the bed were the to guys were. Chopper opened the box, inside was bandages ,and antibiotics ,and other medical equipment. "Ok Zoro this is going to hurt... Is that ok?..." In reality Chopper didn't want to hurt zoro but pulling a chunk of wood out of someone's head was gonna hurt regardless.

"Y-yeah its f-fine" Zoro was practically panting. He layed his head bad onto his shoulders and closed his eyes.


"What are they doing up there??" Nami asked the rest of the crew in confusion.

"I don't know" is all Robin and sanji could say.

"Well I sure hope there ok!" Ussop said

"Then go check on them" Nami said unimpressed at his response

"OH HECK NO! WHAT IF THEY WERE ATTACKED! I DONT WANT TO GET INVOLVED!" Ussop said offended at the request.

"That's what I thought. You pussy"

"HEY! Nami that's not nice!"

"And so what! You wanna go little man!?"

"N-no ma'am! I'm sorry!" Ussop coward in fear under the table.

"Oh isent Nami just beautiful when she's angry!" Sanji said with hearts in his eyes.

"She's beautifulall the time" Robin said with a gentle smile

~ Back to the 2 idiots and little bean Chopper ~


Zoro hit the bed.

"OW HOLY SHIT!" Zoros head flew back when Chopper pulled the piece of wood out. He hit the bed with a bang.

"Oh my god Zoro! Are you ok!" Luffy said as zoro brought his head up. To look at him

"Besides a new headache and my head bleeding out. Yeah I'm fi-" His head fell back on to the bed. He passed out due to blood loss.

"Shit!" Luffy was panicking badly. Chopper was scared he's never heard luffy actually swear. Other members told him that luffy has sworn before but he had never heard it for him self

"Luffy I need you to sit over there next to the door, or go down stai-"

"No! I'll sit in the chair!" Luffy quickly got up and flung him self in the chair.

~ 10 minutes later ~

"Ok luffy he's ok now. No more blood loss" Chopper smiled and closed his eyes. Because of that he didn't notice luffy flying for his face.


They hit the ground with a hug


"Its really not a big deal Luffy it's not like this is the first time this has happend"

"Still... you deserve a big hug!"

"T-tha-nk youu lu-uffy" Chopper could barely breath from luffys hug. But he was happy to finally see his captin smile. Luffy let go. "Now luffy. Zoro needs to sleep ok. He did loss quit a bit of blood with that head wound"

"Ok!" Luffy said with a large smile plastered on his face.

"Good. Now I'm gonna go finish breakfast. I'm guessing your gonna stay here?"

"Yeah... gotta make sure my first mates in working condition"

"Ok then Luffysee you later captin"

"See ya Chopper!"

~ 20 minutes of sleep later ~

Zoro woke up to Choppers office. He had a minor headache but he didn't care. He looked over to the door and saw his captin.

"Luffy... he... he waited for me..." He barely whispered those words. Luffy sprung up in excitement.

"ZORO!" Luffy jumped onto Zoro's lap instantly.

"Oh my- hey buddy" Zoro smiled. His captin cared about his health.

("Wait...            MINE?")

"Zoro are you ok?"

"U-uh yeah!"

~{ Blind love }~ ( Zolu )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora