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"Ok then I'll help you the best I can!"

~ Back with the worried Usopp ~

"D-did I do somthing wrong?... Were did he go?..."

⚠️ WARING!!! I didn't know I was gonna put heavy angst in here until right now. SO uh- Depressed Luffy warning!!! AND NO ONE CAN STOP MEEEE!! ⚠️

Luffys almost lifeless body collapsed on to the floor of the crows nest. Luffys mind swirld in places it wasn't supposed to.

"W-wh-y-..." His breathing is heavy and uncontrolled. His body shakes and jolts in fear.

"N-namm-i.." Luffy stutterd as tears flowed off of his face. His eyes burned because of how wide they are from shock. Luffy looks at his hands, they shake in a blurry pattern.

"I-i... c-can-t lo-oose an-other- pe-erson i-i ca-are ab-out-.... Z-Zoro do-ont le-eave m-me li-ike th-em-.... S-sabo... A-ace..." Luffys mind is flooded with memories of Sabo being shot down in the water. Memories of Ace leaving him alone. Thoughts of Shanks refusing to keep him close. His head hurt and swirld.



Luffys fists collided with the floor of the nest until they bleed. Punch after bleeding puch he cried. Luffys hands shook even more as he tugged at his hair and rammed his head into the floor repeatedly.

No one noticed Luffys pain in the nest because they were all eating dinner, and all of them guessed he went to bed.

Luffy gritted his teeth till his jaw hurt. He gripped his left arm with his nails until blood trickled down his arm. He didn't think it was possible to cut him self, but once he realized he could he did. Over and over he clawed at his shaking arm. Blood and tears pooled under him as he spoke between his teeth.

"STOP DEPENDING ON PEOPLE WHO DONT CARE." Luffy forced a smile through his pain filled words. Luffys whole body shaked from the pure pain that ran through his vains and body. A hysterical laugh echoed through the air. Luffy could barly control his emotions or movements. He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs, but he couldn't speak, he could barely breath..

"Weres Luffy?" Chopper asked with a worried tone.

"Isent he asleep?" Nami said as she turned to look at Usopp. "That's what you said right?" Usopp looked nervous as sweat ran down his face.

"I-i actually have no clue. He left when I was catching dinner.... hehehe.." His nervous laugh got a bad response.


"WHAT!?" Zoro slammed his hands on to the table in anger. "YOU DONT KNOW WERE HE IS!?"

"Zoro why are you so panicked!? He can take care of him self!" Nami knew why Zoro was so worried. Luffy had acted so wierd the night before. He hug Zoro for over an hour, he cried in his arms because of fear. Luffy isn't ok...

"DAMN YOU USOPP" Zoro slams the door open and leaves frantically.

"Usopp don't take it personally you didn't do anything wrong! It's just- luffy- he-"

"N-no... I know... I just thought he'd be fine... he's the captain... he's healthy!! Unlike the rest of the crew" Usopp tried to joke to lighten the mood.

"We all thought he was health.... but I think we were all wrong..." Nami looks down to the floor worried about Luffy.

Luffy. The happy go lucky captain. Happy. The only thing people saw. He's happy. He's never had a problem before. What id they were wrong, what if his health was the worst of whole crew? What I'd he needed help....

Zoro runs and checks the whole ship before he paused and looked at the nest. The last place he needed to check. Zoro could feel the worry grow in his heart.

"Luffy... please be ok..." Zoro slowly climbed up the ladder to the crows nest. He reached the top to a horrifying sight. Blood coverd the floor of the small nest, luffy look out to the sea facing away from zoro. Luffy squeezing his arm as blood trickles down on to the floor while tears fall to the ground.

Luffy silently stared at the water. He turns around to fave Zoro.

"Oh god... Luffy...." Luffys eyes are dull and lifeless. His face barly lit by a lamp swaying in the wind.

"What" luffys voice is cracked, low, and quiet.

"W-what did you do..."

"I guess I gave up"

"What?... h-how?!..."

"I'm never going to get my dream. It's pointless and unachievable"  Luffys words stung Zoros heart.

"That's... that's not true.. were gonna make it... you'll be king" Zoro tries to smile to help luffy, but to no avail.

"Zoro. Your wrong. It's a kids dream. A kid who no longer exists... so what's the point? I've lost every thing. Ace no longer cares or talks to me.... sabo... isn't here... shanks left, and he's practically my enemy. And you... you let go..."

"W-what?... what does that mean?... h-how did I let go?..."

"You let me go-" Luffys stoped by a tight embrace.

"I don't know how I let go... but I'll never leave again... L-luffy... your s-scaring me..." Tears roll down luffys shirt. Zoro, cried, becuase of luffys pain. Luffys eyes started to water as they widened in shock. Luffys hands slowly raised to grip on to Zoros shirt.

"I'm going to protect you..... no matter what...."

~{ Blind love }~ ( Zolu )Where stories live. Discover now