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("Wait... MINE?") Is all Zoro could think. His face went red when he finally snapped back to reality. Luffy had some how wrapped his arms around Zoro in a tight embrace while he was spacing out.

"God Zoro! I was so worried!!" He tried to laugh to hide how actually worried he was. Luffy buried his face into Zoros chest. He was flabbergasted. Zoro stared at the boy in his chest. He was so confused, he could feel tears rolling down his abs.

"A-are.. you ok? Captain?..." He said with pure concern.

"H-huh! Y-yeah!" His head jolts up when zoro asked if he was ok, shaking the tears off in the process. He gives a big goofy smile to make sure he didn't worry.

("Your really starting to worry me Luffy...") Luffy has been acting wierd every since they left Alabaster. Zoro feels like he's the only person who has noticed Luffys wierd behavior. He's been spacing out more and more, and just kinda felt distant. That and Zoro has run into Luffy after he has cried multiple times with in the past month. His heart breaks just a little more every time he sees Luffy like that, Puffy and red eyes, dark circles, red checks, emotionless expression.

"Guess what Zoro! So while you were a sleep sanji made us snacks!" Luffy leaps back over to the door and grabs to little box's. "See! And I didn't eat them!" He laughs proud of him self for what he did.

"Good job you idiot, now hand me one" Zoro smiles when Luffy hands him the box of food. Luffy sits down on the side of Zoros bed as they start to eat.

"Mhm! This is gooood!!" Zoro smiles when he sees how happy his captain is with his food.

"Do you think there ok? They haven't come down stairs for little over an hour now.."

"Its ok Nami, they wouldn't let anything bad happen to themselves" Robin gives a soft smile to reassure the stressed ginger.

"Yeah... your probably right"

"When am I ever wrong?~" She says only half joking.

"I'm still gonna go check on them, I'll be right back Robin" She smiles and leaves the kitchen for Choppers office. "Heyyyy? Are you guys ok?" Nami quietly cracks the door open. When she finally steps inside she stops and looks in aw. Luffy was asleep on Zoros chest, they were both holding each other tight around the waists. They have slept next to each other before but they've never truly cuddle like this. ("I knew somthing was up! Oh God damn Zoro your gonna get it!")

~ When zoro wakes up (its night time now. And yes they slept for the rest of the day) ~

Zoro slowly opens and closes his eyes till he could finally realize he was awake.

"Uuhhhhggg- my head hurts" He whispers so he wouldn't wake his sleeping captain. Zoro slowly picks his sleeping captain up and sets him back down on the bed. Zoro slowly walks to the door and leaves. *sigh* "I hope your actually ok..."


"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" Zoro jumps back in horror.


"OW! What the hell Nami!"

"Oh no no no mister! You are gonna answer MY questions!"

"W-what?" Nami grabs Zoro by the collar and drags him to her room. "H-hey what the hell!" Nami slams Zoro into the ground when she let's go of his collar.


"W-what!? What's your problem!?"

"Zoro I'm the love expert ok? I have tricked and seen meny guys over my whole life. SO I CAN TELL WHEN A NAIVE IDOIT IS TRYING TO MAKE MOVES ON ARE CHILD LIKE CAPTAIN!!"

"IM NOT MAKING MOVES!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!" His face turns red as he releases what's happening. Nami pinches the bridge of her nose.

"You... IDIOT!"


"Zoro... you are one poor ass soul" She looks at Zoro with pain in her eyes. "Your an idiot"

"I-..." He looks away from her

"You know your in love with him don't you?" She calms her tone to sound sincere.

"Of course... i-i fucking do..." He tries to cover his face in embarrassment.

"Hehe can't believe you'd go for the idiotic big shot of the ship"

"Dont call him that!" Zoro snaps back the moment she says her words.

"Damn~ you do care about him don't you?~" She slurs her words together to mess with him.

"Your a witch..." He growls at his own stupidity.

"I'll help your dumb ass" She flips her hair proud of her self for even considering to help this poor man.

"No thanks"

"Wha-" She's in under shock. He just stares at her unimpressed. "What did you just say?..." He can hear the hint of frustration in her voice.

"I mean I don't want your help it's... fine the way it is..."

"Zoro... your... scared aren't you?..." Namis face went from frustration to concern. She's never seen Zoro upon up even a little.

"I-... mabye I'm scared... OK?... I just... Don't want him to... to hate me..." Namis eyes widen in shock.

"A-are you?... crying?..." He quickly wipes his tears off his face.

"N-no! I'm not! I don't cry!..."

"You cry for luffy" Nami smiles with hope for for him. "I promise I won't get in the way Zoro, but if you ever want my help just ask ok" Her smile is soft and sincere.

"O-ok... Thanks Nami..."

~{ Blind love }~ ( Zolu )Where stories live. Discover now