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I woke up around 9am the next day as I had no shoots or filming. I knew First was free too but if I heard him correctly, he was going to check out his new apartment today. I sighed softly as I got ready and went out, ready to be faced with an empty apartment but found him pottering around in the kitchen. I went and stood at the entrance as I watched him make breakfast. He was shuffling around dressed in a white t shirt and shorts, with his hair pushed back with a headband. I chuckled softly at this sight of him.

The urge to just go and hug him was so out there but I held myself back. I usually wasn't so touchy feely though First was the sort. He turned and saw me and grinned.


I smiled and nodded. I couldn't help it. I was so soft for this guy though sometimes he drove me mad.

"Any plans today?"

"Just checking out the apartment."

"Is it something you must do?"

First turned to look at me and didn't say anything for the longest period before nodding his head and turning away. I looked down, my eyes wanting to glimmer. I remember once a host had asked us on what we would do if we had to leave each other and I knew both of us had cried there and then, never wanting such a prospect and it looked like it was coming true now.

I turned away, just walking to the living room to switch on the TV. First prepped breakfast and came over to beckon me. I sat down, refusing to move. He sighed and sat next to me, placing his hands on my knee. That's when I scrambled closer to him and held onto him, not wanting to let go.

"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. But must you really move out? It's as good as you leaving me and do you really think I can handle that?"

My tears dropped as I said it, in my usual slightly deep gravelly voice. First placed his hands around me and held onto me tightly.

"I'm only doing this so that we don't fall out as friends or anything."

"Friends will fight damn it. Friends who mean something to each other will always fight. Just as much we know each other well, we also know when to draw the line and that's why we fight. You really think I be fine without you and vice versa? If you tell me you be fine without me, I will let you go. But be honest with me."

I pulled away to look at First who was already teary himself. He shook his head no as he held me back again.

"Please don't go, na? I promise to wake up when you wake me up. I promise to eat my meals on time ok?"

First chuckled dryly as he heard my over endearing promises. He nodded his head and just held onto me tightly. We separated a little while later to eat breakfast. He got busy texting his manager as I prepped his plate. I opened his bottle of iced coffee for him and placed it on his left side as usual as he wrapped up the call.

He winced as he told me he got nagged by his manager but claimed his manager saw it coming. I just chuckled as we wrapped up breakfast together.

We usually hung out together on our off days, watching movies, playing games and just making music and today was no exception along with the fact that I cooked lunch for us. I was the better cook between us though First could manage breakfast.

I was busy cutting the ingredients and prepping as First was busy on the phone with Chimon and Perth. They were planning something and wanted to invite First out. We had our own groups of friends too though more often than not, we hung out way too much as compared to with others. I watched as First finalised dinner plans with them.

"Meeting them for dinner later. Do you want to join us too?"

"Na, you go ahead. I'm gonna finish off my music score."

"Okays, I be back soon na."

I chuckled as First sometimes behaved like an overprotective boyfriend and he had no idea he came off as such. He was always so honest with his words and more often than not, his honesty always sent me thudding.

Not that I would tell him. My thudding heart was my secret to keep.

My First Love [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now