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I went into my room and just shut the door, standing near the window just staring out into nothing.

My thoughts flitted back to the day. Louis and I were heading towards our filming shoot when he broached the topic of dinner.

I looked at him and was wondering if I should, but Khao's face came into mind. The fact that he rejected me for dinner still wiggled away at me.

And the fact that I had seen a full pot of oatmeal on the countertop. Khao thought I had not seen it, but I did. I looked at Louis and rejected him for dinner, saying I had plans.

Louis's face fell, but he smiled at me almost immediately.

"That's all right. Maybe another day, then?"

"Sounds good. We could invite Khao along, too."

"Oh, I was hoping it will be just us?"

"Just us?"

"Like a date? I hope to woo you First. Will you give me that chance?"

I fell silent, looking at Louis. He was a nice guy, a lot like me. Maybe we may hit it off, but Khao kept coming into my head, and I knew instantly I would reject. Not only Louis but anyone else for it hit me at that point of time, no one else was on my mind but Khao.

I told Louis on how I felt and especially about Khao. This time, the smile that fell off his face didn't come back on. He just shook his head, acknowledging what I had said quietly.

My thoughts came back to the present when I heard my door open. I turned around to see Khao standing, freshly showered and more put together.

"What are you doing here?"

"I.. I wanted to say sorry. For drinking so much and not eating. For making you upset."

I looked at him, frustration bubbling to the surface. I walked over to him and angrily grabbed him in a hug!

"Never ever do that ever again, ok?"

Khao nodded, hugging me back, nestling in my hold.

"Did you mean what you said, earlier?"

"What do you think?"

Khao fell silent.

"Then, if I wanted to respond the same way, will you accept me?"

I pulled away looking at him, my cheeks flushed and eyes a little teary.

"I'm still as annoying as ever. Are you sure you want me?"

Khao smirked as he pulled me closer to him, our foreheads resting together.

"In a heartbeat."

With that, this little fanfic on Khao & First comes to an end. I have caught most of their shows and separately as actors, they are amazing. Together, they are just sweet and I cannot help but gush over their chemistry.

Till the next #lovewinsall :)

My First Love [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now