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I got ready around 5pm to go meet the boys. I went out, only to see Khaotung sitting in the balcony strumming away on his guitar.

"Will you be ok? I be back soon."

" I be fine na. Go on ahead. Have fun with the boys ok?"

I nodded, smiling sheepishly. I went to meet Perth and Chimon and they had brought another friend called Louis with them. He was such a nice affable guy and surprisingly we hit it off so well. So much so that, Louis offered to send me home and I agreed.

We chatted all the way to my door. Just as I was about to open the door, Khaotung opened it.

"Hey, not sleeping yet?"

"Not yet. Was just watching TV. Who's this?"

"Oh Khao, meet Louis. Louis, this is Khaotung my friend and partner on my show."

Louis nodded politely at Khao and smiled. Khao nodded back, albeit a little reluctantly but I didn't read too much into it as I knew him well. He was always reserved around new people. Khao went back to the hall to continue his show whilst I stood at the entrance still chatting away with Louis. Half hour easily passed and we made plans to hang out tomorrow again after work and finally I went into the house around 11pm.

I went in only to find Khao sleeping on the couch but there was a slice of cake on the dessert plate with a fork and a note that said, "I attempted baking and kept a slice for you."

I smiled involuntarily at this and just looked over at sleeping Khao. Poor fellow must have waited to give this to me in person and yet I had skipped out on this. I just sat down next to him and gently brushed his hair from his face. He stirred abit and woke up, grinning sleepily at me.

"Go into the room and sleep, na?"

"Hmm I wait. Go shower. Oh I got something for you."

"I saw. I will have it first then shower ok?"

Khao nodded and sat up as I tried his cake. For a first time, it was really good! My eyes shone as I finished the slice. Khao giggled at me as he leaned closer to wipe the crumbs off my face.

I looked at him as he sat closer cleaning my mouth for me. My heart kept thudding at this proximity and all I could think was, how cute he looked. But no, keeping my thoughts to myself. The last time I did that, the boys teased me mercilessly for a whole week!

But even I couldn't deny my thudding heart as he went away to wash the plate for me.

Not that I would tell him. My thudding heart was my secret to keep.

My First Love [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now