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I woke up around 7 am. I saw that First was still sleeping. He told me that his filming is only at 1 pm so he had a lot of time.

I decided to surprise him with some breakfast. I snuck out of the couch quietly, got a shower, and was making some breakfast when the doorbell rang, which woke. First up! I groaned inwardly as First said he would check the door. I cursed the recipient in my heart.

First came back in, ruffling his hair with Louis behind with some packages in his hand.

"Look who's here with breakfast for us, Khao!"

I smiled but groaned inwardly at Louis, who was smiling widely as he showed us the breakfast he had bought.

"I just wanted to surprise First with breakfast as we got filming today. Thought it would be a nice wake-up call."

I nodded at both boys who were beaming at me. I told First to get a shower first. When he went off, I fixed Louis a cup of tea whilst I started clearing the oatmeal. I had cooked a batch but decided to let it cool and keep it for my breakfasts the next few days.

"Oh, were you cooking breakfast too?"

I just nodded, stating it was ok. Louis just looked at me for a full minute.

"Thank you, na. For giving way to me. I am hoping to court First and your blessings will mean a lot to me."

I looked at Louis, stunned.

"Court First? Do you like him?"

"Who wouldn't? He's such a sweet guy. I was worried that you like him, but seeing how you just gave way to me. Thank you. Shows you are a good friend indeed. First, he needs such a friend."

I was floored. Louis liked First?! I just nodded, smiling away though I swore I could hear my heart being shredded. First came out, a few minutes later, having freshly showered and changed. I had kept away everything I cooked so he had no idea on what I had done. We sat down to have Louis's breakfast then both boys decided to leave a bit earlier to go meet Neo and hang out before filming.

I told them to go on whilst I decided to clean. First came back to me.

"Thank you for helping. Let's have dinner tonight, shall we?"

I looked at him and was conscious of Louis shaking his head no. I knew Louis wanted to bring him out for dinner. So I put on the brightest smile I could manage and told First that I had dinner plans that night.

His face fell slightly but he nodded and went off. I worked on memorising my script, did some chores and finally changed and slipped out to go drinking around 7pm alone. I smashed myself completely and staggered home around 2am.

I tried opening the door and was failing until it suddenly opened and I fell right into First's arms! I looked up, mortified he had caught me drunk! One of the few things he really really hated. I gulped as I pulled myself from his hold but he held on tightly and brought me to the couch.

He fetched me a glass of orange juice, painkillers and a cold towel. I refreshed myself and downed the tablets. He asked if I wanted food and I nodded.

Minutes later, a steaming bowl of oatmeal with fruits and honey was placed in front of me. I looked up at First stunned.

He just sat down next to me. There was an eerie silence.

"You have never rejected me whenever I wanted to eat dinner with you. So why? You never went drinking and came home smashed because you know I hate it. So why? And why is there a full pot of oatmeal in the fridge? You want to start talking?"

I kept quiet, not wanting to say a word. First repeated himself but I was silent throughout. He finally stood up, looking at me. I didn't look at him so I had no idea of how he was feeling until I heard his voice. The break in his voice.

"I rejected Louis for dinner because I wanted to eat oatmeal with you. The one you were slaving over for breakfast and the one you kept away because of him. What must I do for you to see that you are the most important person in my life and no one else comes close?"

I finally looked up stunned at First.


"I like you Khao. Its harder and harder for me to pretend you are just a friend when you are not. I can't date Louis, not when I want to be with you so desperately. And even if it means I am going to be single but with you, I take it."

He walked away before I could say anything else.

First likes me. He likes me. He wants to be with me. That alone was enough to make me smile like a crazy man in the hall alone at 2 plus in the morning.

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