Part three

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In the morning  , everyone on the table Except Merap, cuz she doesn't have breakfast when travelling, she prefers to drink a coffee in the morning, while she was having her coffee she was busy with packing bags.

Bhabi begum : What happened suddenly, that make you wants to go back to Karachi so quickly?

Waqas : bhabi actually, tomorrow trailer of meerub's  movie will release so she have to get ready she doesn't have a time ..

Bhabi begum : well , didn't i told you before that she have to leave this job ?
It's not fit our family's girl to work with men in these jobs..

Waqas : but bhabi ,she didn't do anything wrong , she works to send the social issues through art ..

Bhabi: well she's a lawyer now ,she could works on her social  issues through law ..

Anila : bhabi she loves her job and the way she works on social issues, and we are proud of her..

Bhabi begum: if the mother like this what can expect from the daughter?

Waqas : bhabi don't worry i'll talk to her ..

Bhabi begum: don't talk to her just about it, talk about marriage too, you should convince her...

Waqas : i'll try my best ...

Murtasim was listening with great interest but he didn't show that ,he was frustrated when they talked about her marriage...

Murtasim: maybe you have to wait for her marriage, it is possible her marriage will affect her work, do not forget her movie will be shown soon..

Bhabi begum : so what ? She'll leave her job soon too .
We have to find a good family for her, maybe her behaviour will change..

Murtasim: we can't implicate her in such a marriage, what if she doesn't change? ,
there's going to be a big problem ..

Bhabi begum : what's happened to you murtasim?
You're the one who suggested marrying her..

Murtasim: you're right but i didn't know she doesn't want to get marry..

Bhabi begum: there's no but , she'll get marry and it's final.

After long discussions in the dining hall, finally Waqas's family got ready to go to Kerrachi..

Bhabi begum: god willing ( inshallah) you're reach Karachi safely, I hope that at your next visit you will be completed what I asked for ,wasqas.

Waqas : inshallah ..

Meerub whispers to her mother : what she wants from dad ?

Anila : nothing important darling..

Meerub to herself : alright i've no time to investigate what asked from dad but when i'll be free I'll find out..

After saying goodbye to everyone, Waqas's family went to the car ..

Murtasim went to the car and opened the door to Meerub, he shocked everyone...

Servant : khan sir opened the door for a woman! (Law, shocking tone )

Haya : what the hell ,murtasim opened the door for that rude girl !!

Bhabi begum to her self : hmm ,well well I think I found the perfect person to her ..

Meerub : this amount of gentle doesn't suit you...

Murtasim: you're being late .

Meerub : I know, leave the door so i can leave peacefully..

Murtasim left the door so Waqas family could leave ..

After 5 hours waqas's family reached karachi ..

Meerub : finally , I returned to my beloved home , no one can control me here , I could live with my rules again..

Waqas : darling there's no one could control you..

Meerub : really dad ? what about the jail which called khan's palace ??

Waqas : don't talk like that, they are  just a little different from you ..

Meerub : a little ?

Anila : they're not like you but they are our family ..

Meerub : sorry but they're not my family , if you consider them as a family so do what you want but don't involve me with this ..

Meerub went to her room .

Anila : but ..

Waqas : alright leave her now , we have a difficult work to convince her ..

Anila : I don't know why bhabi begum doing all that , she knows meerub will refuse ..

Waqas : we have to convince her , I can not lose my daughter..

at 4:00 pm meerub wanted to hanging out ..

Meerub : alright guys i'll get out i need to cleer my mind tomorrow..

Waqas : god protect you , don't stay late outside.

Meerub : sure .

Meerub went to the restaurant..

Meerub : oh you're early today bestie , you missed me that much or what ?

She went to him and hugged him.

Her bestie : don't be happy that much I got out of work early today, so I came here two hours ago, I had lunch and I was watching the match before you interrupted me..

Meerub : really ian ??
after long time i saw you but you started to bother me ..

ian : sorry yaar , I didn't mean that ..

Meerub : it's okey ..

ian : you promised me that you'll tell me everything when you'll met me , here we are ,tell me who made my bestie sad ??

Meerub : of course khan family ..
Especially my cousin murtasim was the biggest reason ..

ian : murtasim the heir right ?

Meerub : yes .

ian : what he did ??

Meerub told everything to ian ..

ian : don't worry , I'm sure your parents will not force you for anything ..

Meerub : I know.

ian :as long as you know why you're frowning??

Meerub : I don't know, maybe cuz of theirs negative energy..

ian : well , forget about them , tomorrow is a big day in your career , one of the most important trailer of films will release , you have to be really..

Meerub : I'm trying if not for me at least for that poor woman who was raped,she was tortured by society and the law turned a blind eye to her..

ian : i see , it's a big day don't be sad ..

Meerub : how can you support me like this all the time ??

ian : oh ma'am I think you forgot that you supported me more than what i can ask for , I'm just doing what good friends do ...

Meerub: okay you the good friend, i have to go to home now, my parents will be upset ..

ian : okey dear , your permission with you ..

Meerub : I don't take any permission from anyone ( smirk).
ian : that's my lioness friend ..

Meerub went back home she had dinner with her family after that she went to sleep cuz she have a big day waiting her ..

Love or duty ? (Tere bin)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ