Part eleven

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Anwar: yes , me..

Murtasim: How could you hide this from me?، you have to explain everything right now! (Shouted)

‏Bhabi begum : We'll explain everything, just calm down

‏ Anwar: I don't have to explain anything to you, it's none of your business!

‏murtasim : Huh, you announce my engagement to that girl and say that her it's not my business
‏ Are you kidding me or what!

‏ Anwar: Your engagement was determined by my dear brother, who is your father, before his death. We did nothing.

‏murtasim : Don't involve my father in the matter!

‏ bhabi begum: He is right, my son, your father decided to marry you to meerub

‏murtasim : I will not marry Merab.

‏ Anwar: Why? What is missing my daughter?

‏murtasim : You know very well that Merab does not want this marriage, and I will not marry a girl who does not want me.

‏ bhabi begum: Rather, you will agree, Merab will not marry anyone but you!

‏murtasim : Why do you insist on this marriage? We are different, we can't live with each other.

‏ Anwar: Are you afraid her to rebel against you?

‏ murtasim : Rather, I fear for your daughter from my hell, no one will be able to save her from my prison, so you know..

‏ bhabi begum : murtasim , what is this talk!

‏ Murtasim: I said what i have..

‏murtasim left there angrily and went to the balcony where his sister Mariam was ..

Mariam : Bhai , are you okay?

Murtasim: as you see..

Mariam : I know, it was a heavy day for our family, I'm sure meerub will accept us as a family and she will marry you , don't worry..

Murtasim: I don't think so, she hates me and after what happened her hatred become stronger, she didn't like us at all and now this ..

Mariam : god will help her and help us as well in this situation, don't you remember our childhood fighting I mean your and meerub fights ..

Murtasim: yeah, She was always telling dad about my cigarettes , I hated that but I liked her courage ..

Mariam: yeah , no one was dare talk to dad but I have to admire that she was his favourite niece , even us we liked her since day one ..

Murtasim:  except haya ..

Mariam: yeah , haya saw your admiration for meerub from the beginning, she is still jealous of her because she knows that you admire her, but she does not want to accept that ..

Murtasim: i told her many times that i look at her the same way i look at you , I don't know when will she accept that..

Mariam: sometimes i feel she need a therapist ..

Murtasim : you're right maybe her parent death still effects her..

Mariam: I hope god will make her understand everything ..

Murtasim: inshallah..

While meerub in her room talk to ian ..

Ian : meerub , it's been a days since our last conversation , what happened?
are you okay?

Meerub : I'm not , my life just turned upside down ،I'm in a lot of pain ian ..

Ian : what !, tell me everything..

Meerub : it's really complicated, I don't know how to explain that..

Ian : meerub , explain it the way you could , i just wanna make sure you will be fine..

Meerub told ian everything..

Meerub : and now i have to marry murtasim , i just hate him ..

Ian : I don't know how to make your pain disappear because I can't tell you i feel you cuz no one could feel what are you going through except your self ..

Meerub : just you being here and talk to me it's really enough for me..

Ian : i hope you will not get me wrong but what's your cousin fault in that's matter ?

Meerub : he never talk about my origin to me even when knew that , he made me living with a lie for my entire life..

Ian : what's making you sure about that ? Maybe he didn't know..

Meerub : O please he,s the heir and the lands lord he knows everything about everyone here ..

Ian : I still don't think he knew it ,you told me once he's a man of morels and traditions , a man like him will not allow for one of his family's women stay in another city, and obviously not working with men ..

Meerub : o don't know ian I just hate him ..

Ian : alright just relax you've been through a lot..

Meerub : ian , it's late now, I want some time for myself..

Ian : that's a very pilot way to say I don't wanna talky to you..

Meerub : you know very well I'm not like this ..

Ian : i was kidding , i'll hang up just take care of yourself , bye ..

Meerub : i will , bye ..

Meerub went to the terrace it was her only place she could find peace in that's mansion but she saw murtasim there ..

Meerub : I can't have peace for sometime or what?

Meerub was about to went from there but murtasim stopped her ..

Murtasim: meerub , wait, I know you're angry , I'm really sorry I shouldn't talked you that way ..

Meerub : heh , do you really think i care for that ? I don't care for anything you involves in ..

Murtasim: I know, in the end you hate me but I just wanted to make that clear amd not letting any misunderstanding between us, are we good now?

Meerub: you're asking me if we're good,really murtasim? you should know that I'll never forgive you ,since you knew everything from the beginning..

Murtasim: what ? ,i didn't know that ..

Meerub : please stop lying..

Murtasim: they tell me the truth after you , i had no idea about it, believe me..

Meerub : that's not make any difference, i still hate all of you ..

Murtasim: Don't waste time on hate, you'll lose a lot if you keep doing it..

Meerub : like what ? your love?

Murtasim: give love you will get it , give respect you will get the same as well ..

Meerub : you do that first then I will, you are trying to take my life from me, as if it was not enough for you to take my parents, your family wants to take my work and making me marry you ..

Murtasim: trust me , no one will take your life from you, i'll make sure you'll continue with your job and start your life like nothing happened..

Meerub : and the price for that marrying you , right?

Murtasim: you don't need to do anything for me or about marriage i'll not marry you without your agreement, if you're not happy about marrying me not one will dare to force you as long as I'm a live , i will support you with your job , don't worry ..

Murtasim went from there while meerub got effected by his words..

A/N: i hope you enjoyed it ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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