Ch 4: The Boy

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We walked in silence for a few more minutes before we reached the "you know what" place that I had heard the captain mention. It was really nothing special. It was what looked to be a cottage. The white cottage was covered in vines and seemed to have multiple visible cracks which meant it has obviously been here for a while. I had honestly expected something more "scary" looking seeing as he made sure to whisper it low enough for only those close enough to be able to hear. As the annoyingly tall guy rudely pushed me to go inside the old house I was able to confirm my suspicions of the age of this building as I stop walking to take a look at the place.

Cob webs and dust seemed to fill some corners of the small house which wasn't a really a house seeing as they had built it in a form of a prison. Now I can see why captain was so secretive. The moment I walked in, I could only make out to see a bunch of cells lined up at each side of the small house. Small candles are the only source of light making it very hard to be able to actually see everything and the fact that the sun is almost done setting doesn't help much either.

"Alright 'princess' get into your cell," Seonghwa remarks in a sarcastic tone. He is holding the door open with one hand and signaling the inside of the cell with the other while bowing his head in a way that is mocking palace mannerisms. After a few seconds of me not showing compliance, he lifts his head and looks at me with a daring expression.

I return the daring look and don't break eye contact with him as I slowly go into the cell. He closes the door behind me then locks it. He looks to the side then starts his way going down the small hall to where some stairs are, he then comes back with a chair. He puts the chair facing towards me then sits down and looks at me once again.

"Were you telling the truth or were you just lying?" I stay silent for a bit trying to determine if I should answer the question. I'm too tired to keep arguing about whether I lied or not but, I decide to answer.

"No I wasn't lying. I just want to go back home," hopefully if I keep saying this enough times they will finally get it into their thick skulls that I am not a threat to them... unless they want me to be.

He studies my face a little more, as if trying to catch any unexistent lie, then looks down and sighs. "This is going to be harder than I thought" he mumbles

"Why is it going to be hard when I have been telling the truth this whole time. There is not one moment that I have lied and if your never going to believe me, I would rather be tortured than sit here and repeat myself over and over again!" I will admit it was getting frustrating because I was putting aside the training my parents had given me my whole lifetime and actually saying the truth but, I wasn't being taken seriously.

"It's hard to believe you when you claim to not know anything about how you got here in the first place. Nobody ever comes to this Island without a purpose."

"What kinds of purposes?"

"None of your business," he smirks as he looks at my annoyed expression

"You've got to be kidding me. I am in a cell tied and locked up but you think its funny."

"Look would you just stop being so uptight-"

"You say that because your not tied up in a small cottage in a strange unknown Island with strange people that think magic is real!" I exclaim cutting him off as I remember the look on the face of the captain when I had said magic doesn't exist. He really has some nerve telling me that I am uptight when he was just interrogating me about something I already answered thousands of times.

"I wouldn't tell you even if I wanted to and why would I share that information when I have no clue of who you really are" 

At this point I might as well give up with telling the truth and see if they believe my lies instead, "...and magic is real," he says matter-of-factly

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