CH 6: Movement

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No excuses this time. I'm just very inconsistent lol

But here is the next chapter


"I remember! I remember"

"Joong stop the cage! NOW!" Jongho yells startling both Wooyoung and Hongjoong.

The cage sends yet another shock up my spine making me see black and white spots around the room. I grip tightly onto the blanket under me and bring it up to my mouth in an attempt to suppress the scream that was daring to come out my throat. Feeling another shock coming I lay my trembling body on the floor and brace myself and that's when I hear it. The voices start speaking in that familiar foreign language before the cage stops glowing and the room becomes silent.

"How did you do that?"

I look up to see Hongjoong, Jongho and Wooyoung with mouths open in shock.

"I was going to start the spell but it seems like you beat me to it..." Hongjoong looks at me with what could only be described as anger and confusion, "You were lying to us weren't you?"

I muster up the little bit of energy I have left to speak, "I didn't lie to anyone. I wasn't the one that stopped the cage, I don't even have magic."

Is he seriously accusing me of having magic. If I had it I would've been able to make my way back home.

"Well it couldn't have been any one else seeing as we didn't cast any kind of spell to stop it so it must've been you!" The captain is now visibly starting to lose his patience....again.

"Hongjoong I don't think that's possible. Her hands and eyes are completely normal and I don't feel any magic radiating off her," Wooyoung says while looking at me with a confused frown.

"Well while you guys figure that out..." Jongho grabs the keys that were dangling on the side of Hongjoong's pants and unhooks them. He then grabs the chair that Seonghwa had left yesterday next to the cell, and he opens the cell door.

"Jongho what are you-" Hongjoong questions

"Do you mind if I hold you for a second princess?" Jongho ask, ignoring Hongjoong, as he sets the chair near the wall where the bucket of water is. Not feeling the need to argue about being capable of doing it myself (because I can't), I shamelessly nodded and let him carry me to the seat. I expected him to struggle a bit but there wasn't any bit of strain on his face. He then brings the blanket and wraps it around my slightly trembling body.

As much as I don't trust these boys, there is something about Jongho that really makes me feel safe and secure. He is also the only one that has really tried to understand my situation without any judgment. So, so far he seems to be the only one I can see myself having a comfortably full conversation with (although I am not usually good at having any of those).

As if sensing what I was thinking, Jongho smiles at me lightly before taking a bit of the water from the bucket into a clean bowl and bringing it up to my lips. Still feeling weak from the torture session just a few minutes ago, I open my mouth and let the cool water enter my system. Once he sees I am done drinking the water, he puts the bowl back into the bucket then proceeds to crouching in front of me.

"Do you think you can talk to me about what you saw? If you aren't up to it now, we can always come back later when you are feeling better," Jongho says while looking up at me with a warm smile.

I am honestly still surprised at how warm and welcoming he is. No one other than Yuna has ever treated me with what I can describe as care so just trying to reciprocate the feeling of gratitude is very hard for me at the moment.

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