CH 9: Run pt. 2

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His hold on his musket visibly tightens and he quickly gets up aiming his weapon at specifically nowhere, "You better reveal yourself now or you'll regret it abigail," The room is tense for a moment before the pink haired girl appears out of thin air in front of the tall man. He stares at her in disbelief mixed with a different emotion that I can't quite recognize before his expression is replaced with one of anger.

"Well we meet again Mingi," The pink headed girl says as her face is morphed into a smug look.

"You-" The tall man, apparently named Mingi, seethes.

The pink haired girl holds a finger up to his face, his musket starts to visibly tremble from how tight he is holding it.

"I don't need to hear anything coming out of your mouth...I need your captain," She demands with a wickedly wide smile.

"You aren't going anywhere near him you monster," His voice now rising from the suppressed anger.

As they argue I slowly walk towards the door with the sword held tightly behind my back. My hand is on the door knob and I get the door to crack open just a tiny bit.

"Now, now there is no need to resort to violence..." Abigail says in a taunting manner, her smug smirk never leaving her face even though Mingi looks like he is one second from pulling the trigger.

"I just need you to get me your captain so that I can get what I want and then I'll be on my way," She smiles widely then shrugs, "I don't mean you any harm."

Mingi looks at her unconvinced but then sighs and he looks like he is about to give up when I manage to slip past the door and make a silent run for it. They were too preoccupied to notice me so I decided to get help. But where could I go? I have quite literally no idea where they could be. Hongjoong said they would be in the room but they weren't there. I didn't get to go to Hongjoong's room because I was too busy trying to escape that I completely forgot about him, but it was already quite clear that he wasn't there since he didn't hear the ruckus that was going on.

I was felt like giving up but a sudden memory ran through my head.

"Are you in charge of the night watch today?" he asked the giant.

He nods and watches as Seonhwa takes out his pocket watch, "We have about half an hour until curfew starts so you better get going to the tower. I will meet you there after I drop her off at the cabin,"

Ahhh ... Breadstick seems like you finally come to good use.

I made my way to where the market was and found that nobody was in sight. It was completely silent and it would have been completely dark had it not been for the few small street lights that illuminated the pathways. I found the path that Yunho had taken and quickly ran to try and find the tower they were talking about earlier. I didn't think a tower would be hard to find but boy was I wrong. There were way too many pathways that I could take and I was starting to get frustrated when I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Young Mi?" I immediately turn to look at the boy with uniquely colored eyes.

"Wooyoung," I sigh in relief and suddenly have a lump in my throat.

I swallow deeply and collect myself because I can't let myself let go of everything and be a weak insolent fool.

"Mingi might be in trouble," I firmly tell him, all traces of weakness gone in my voice.

"What?! What happened? Where is he?" His eyes widen in horror and he reaches out to touch my shoulder as a sign of comfort but I flinch away just as he is about to touch me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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