4: Confronting the impossible

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I wasn't sure if keeping his notebook was the right thing to do

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I wasn't sure if keeping his notebook was the right thing to do. Maybe it was just an innocent mistake, but was very possible that it could be interpreted as rude.

I didn't think so, I mean, I didn't want it to be lost. Specially knowing it would probably be important for him. I didn't need to tell him that I had read it, because I just wanted to do something nice for someone I didn't know. Even though the situation was a bit weird, it was also really sweet.

Well, maybe more than a little bit weird.

I had tried to decipher some of the other stuff, to make sense of the words and symbols, my eyes kept gravitating towards the image of the stop sign tho. It seemed to be mocking me, taunting me with its incessant spinning. Perhaps it was a sign, a message from the universe trying to communicate with me.

Or maybe it was just a product of my overactive imagination, a desperate attempt to find meaning in the mundane.

After all, he didn't even know I existed until the moment I startled him.

But hey, the fact that I had managed to capture the attention of the person who had previously ignored me was a sign of progress, a step towards a brighter future. Right?

Should I have been more annoyed at his reaction?

I guess the reason had to do with the fact that his demeanor was completely unexpected and out of the ordinary. Who talked like that? Who acted like that? It was as if he was from an entirely different planet. Either he was a master of deception, and his quirky behavior was all an act, or he was genuinely from another world. Call me naive, but I was determined to figure out the correct answer, even if it meant delving into the unknown depths of his mysterious persona.

The bus finally stopped and I scanned the seats looking for that one face I was hoping to see. And there he was, in the same spot as before, by the window. I couldn't help but grin at the sight of him. I was starting to worry he might have decided to take a different one. But nope, there he was, lost in thought and looking down at his hands.

I couldn't help but wonder what was going on in his mind. Maybe he was trying to decide something tough, or maybe he was just daydreaming. As I took my seat a few rows behind him, I felt a sense of curiosity.

I still remember this vividly. I walked towards him without caring about the bus moving and couldn't help but hold my breath in anticipation of what was to come. It was clear that he was lost in his own thoughts, completely unaware of my presence. I was hesitant at first, but finally mustered up the courage to speak. As soon as I opened my mouth, his attention was immediately diverted towards me. He looked surprised, I wasn't exactly sure if pleasantly. He quickly regained his composure and gave me his undivided attention.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," I said as calmly as humanly possible "You left this here."

As far as he was aware, I probably looked very calm and collected, but in reality, my heart was racing and my palms were sweating. I felt an overwhelming sense of nervousness that threatened to consume me. My mind kept replaying all the things that could go wrong, and I couldn't help but feel like something bad was about to happen.

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