14: Coincidences

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I felt my mind let go of any lingering doubts as I allowed myself to be swept up in the moment

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I felt my mind let go of any lingering doubts as I allowed myself to be swept up in the moment. It was all so easy to do when I was with Jasper.

We ran down the stairs, our feet pounding against the concrete, and didn't stop until we were completely underground. The sweet smell of cotton candy filled my nose, the sugar and dreams spinning together to create a strong and intoxicating aroma.

As we made our way deeper underground, I couldn't help but wonder if we were still within the confines of Jasper's vivid imagination. Could someone like him really conjure a world that looked and felt just like something out of a child's fairy tale?

He seemed to at least have an idea of what we were doing, and that was quite a relief. My head was throbbing, and I couldn't help but scratch my skin, suddenly itchy. As we walked, I felt a strange sensation come over me, as if flashes of images were invading my mind. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before, and it was starting to make me feel uneasy.

I couldn't help but feel like this was all too familiar. It was like the same thing that had happened to me when I put the headphones on for the first time. I remember feeling disoriented and out of place, like I had been transported to another world. And now, as I walked through this strange place, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was in for another wild ride.

The headphones!

They were probably laying somewhere on the street above us by then.

Something in the environment felt familiar, but I didn't want to say anything. It was a strange sensation, like the world was simultaneously too real and too surreal, too concrete and too abstract.

Meanwhile, Jasper's expression seemed to flicker between confidence, awe, confusion, and stress. Maybe I was putting too much weight on his shoulders by asking him to lead the way. Yet, at the same time, I couldn't help but feel that he was uniquely suited to the job. After all, this was his dreamworld, what else could I have done?

Even so, if we were really inside his dreams; why was there a map of my hometown on that wall?

"Hey, Jasper." I called to him. He came jogging almost immediately. It was adorable to see his demeanor completely change after hearing my voice. "What's this?"

"Evershire," he said, his tone unassuming, as if the city's mere name was not enough to shake me to my core. "It's my hometown. But are you certain we've lost them? Should we stop now?" He appeared to be in need of a moment to catch his breath, and understandably so.

I looked around, taking in the emptiness of the station, which only added to the eerie silence that was accumulating in the air.

"Should be good I think, at least for a while." I had no idea if that was true, or what had compelled me to say it with so much certainty.

"Where are you from, by the way?" He definitely needed that break. His smile widened, the stress was suddenly leaving his face. Was I causing that? "You said you don't remember a lot but you must remember something from real life, right?"

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