Chapter five: The village

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"Can we review the plan one more time?" Cat asked as she looked at Nessy the princess doing the same

"Okay SO. What we're gonna do...since Rose's parents are going out to talk to other kingdoms for unexplainable reasons" Nessy said looking at Rose

"Um...yeah...I really don't want to talk about it" Rose said nervously and uncomfortably looking around "that's fine! Anyway continuing on! Cat and I will sneak into your castle I will make the drinks while I'm in the castle because I need a proper kitchen to do so and then! you can give it to them so they can sleep for a total of two days...not counting today alright? So remember everyone we have two days and then we'll have to head back" Nessy re-said her plan

"Okay" Rose said with a smile while Cat gave a thumbs up

"Alright then we'll see each other tomorrow" Nessy smiled

The three waved their goodbyes as Cat and Rose left to Nessy's cottage

They both walked back to the princess's castle. Cat climbed up the wall with Rose on her back, They got to the top reaching the window frame, Cat walked inside carrying Rose letting her down as they stood inside her bedroom.

"Thanks cat" Rose turned back with a smile

"Yeah no problem" Cat said as she turned back quickly leaving jumping out

The princess smile faded as she saw her disappear in the woods she sighed and laid on her bed waiting for the sleepiness to kick in.

Morning came by the sun shining brightly upon the princess's bed The princess furrowed her brows as she opened her eyes she sat up and stretched getting off her bed she went to the bathroom getting ready for the day

Rose went in the kitchen


"Morning" Rose said tiredly

Rose widened her eyes and looked behind her seeing Cat looking down at her suddenly smiling as she looked up at her

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING-HOW DID YOU GET IN!?" Rose yelled at her confused

"I let myself in" Cat smiled Rose sighed pinching the bridge of her nose but suddenly smiled since she found the situation humorous

"Alright just don't mess with anything we still have to wait for Nessy to come" Rose said as she turned back to cook her food she grabbed some pots and pans and started to cook. She finished cooking what she needed and went to the dining table

Cat looked down at her breakfast

"Im gonna go cook myself something" Cat said getting up and walked to the kitchen

Rose sighed and started to eat her food she looked up at cat seeing her looking around for the pots and pans she smiled and stared at her for a long while before she realized what she was doing

"Oh my goodness what am I doing?" She thought to herself quickly looking away she got up and stood at the side of the room cupping her cheeks feeling them start to warm up as she kept thinking of her

Mean while her sister walked down she looked up to the side seeing Rose cupping her cheeks standing looking at the floor she lifted a brow before shrugging it off and walked forwards to the dining room turning to look towards the kitchen before gasping

"UH...ROSE" her sister said nervously backing away slowly

"AHHHHH SHE'S GOT A KNIFE" her sister yelled running away from cat as she was holding a knife meanwhile Rose was blushing while fantasizing about Cat before the door bursted open

"HEY GUYSSS!" Nessy yelled as she kicked the door open

Rose jumped and looked behind her now realizing her sister Cat and Nessy are all in the dining area

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