Chapter six: The Note

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Morning came as the sun beamed on both the princess and the cat. Cat opened her eyes slowly looking up of course she remembered what happened yesterday and looked at the princess. Cat stared at her for a solid minute before getting up.

She put on her fathers cape that was still at the side hanging form the bed frame and looked at the tore up crown.

"We'll meet again" Cat said as she softly glided her hand across it

She looked out the window. The breeze was cold but the sun was up. It was the perfect weather in her eyes. She turned back getting a hold of the crown and sighed putting it on and taking one more moment to look outside. She jumped out and landed on the floor quickly grabbing the crown before it touched the ground she put it back on and looked around.

She walked in the woods taking a stroll. She encountered Nessy's cottage and decided to give her a visit Cat walked up to her door and knocked. The door opened revealing Nessy

Nessy looked up at Cat "oh morning cat what bring you here?" She asked "just wanted to see if you were doing alright" Cat said looking down at her slightly Nessy smiled "I'm doing quite well thank you...huh that's unusual I would usually see you with the princess beside you" Nessy questioned

"Oh yeah...she's sleeping right now she's probably pretty tired after everything that has happened yesterday" Cat said looking to the side

"I see...well I know yesterday was...pretty hard on you..." Nessy said looking to the side with furrowed brows "oh...yeah..." Cat said looking down "hm...I've actually seen some strawberries trees around here would you like to go see them? Maybe grab a bite" Nessy smiled

Cat looked up at her with bright eyes "yeah" Cat smiled

They both walked around the woods for a while before encountering the strawberry tree Nessy was talking about "here you go" Nessy smiled she looked up at Cat seeing her slowly walk to it Cat looked at it up and down she grabbed a strawberry taking it off the stem and smelled it

She took a small bite. Suddenly the memories started flooding back. She stopped biting and looked down at the strawberry looking at it with spark in her eyes she finished eating it looking at her fingers

"These taste exactly like the ones back home" Cat said still looking at her fingers she looked back up at the tree and grabbed a few more turning back around to Nessy

"Have you tried them?" Cat asked looking at Nessy "no not really" Nessy said quietly Cat handed her one Nessy grabbed it and took a small bite

"Hm...this...has an interesting taste" Nessy said looking at the strawberry Cat smiled and ate the strawberries that were in her hands

Rose who was walking in the woods looked around for a long while before hearing talking she walked to the noise encountering Cat and Nessy talking she smiled leaning on a tree

Cat looked to her side her eyes landing on the princess

"Princess! Look! Strawberries!" Cat smiled brightly showing her small fangs as she held out the strawberries in her hands towards her

Rose smiled at her

"Do you want to try some?" Cat asked her eyes now being more open but her bags still being noticeable "of course" Rose said with a smile Cat handed her a strawberry as she smiled Rose took a bite looking back at the strawberry

" sure does have an interesting taste" Rose said looking at it with a confused look

"That's what I was saying!" Nessy said with a smile

"They don't taste bad..." Rose said as she kept chewing "so cat I have a question" Rose said making Cat look back up at her

"So since you're a cat...can you like...shape shift into a regular literal cat?" Rose asked

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