☆ chap 2

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Last week, 11:45 pm
Mom: Don't disrespect me like that.

Kokichi wished he'd have said something to the nurses sooner before going back to sleep so abruptly again. He would do anything to go back in time, because nothing ever and I mean ever went his way with his mother.

He said something he didn't want, she'd call it nonsense and do the exact opposite. And for what reason? To anger him? Make her feel like she had constant control over her child?

It angered him in the worst way possible, but he refused to snap and take it all out on her. That's the last thing he needed, so he bottled it all up and acted petty. Sarcasm was basically his middle name.

For the time being in the hospital for the past few days, a wave of boredom overflowed him. Nothing and I mean nothing interesting happened here, he tried to make jokes and anger the nurses but they'd just lightly chuckle and brush it off. Other than his mother visiting for the first time today, he's been bored all week.

In the mean time, he wrote out a list of pros and cons of going to boarding school.


• wont see mom
• will see miu more often
• will get out of this shitty town


• literally no freedom (unless i find a way to find it) (which i will)
• no more unhealthy habits (i will find a way anyway) (i always do)
• uniform
• high chance dice will fall apart

Yes he added uniform to the list, because he was a firm uniform hater. They've always been uncomfortable and itchy when he was in primary school, he'd always find a way to somehow ruin them or add small little details to make it less plain and boring.

No more sneaking out. No more hook-ups. No more smoking. God, he sounded like a kid who just wanted to try everything and act cool but it wasn't like that, he did it to anger his mother and feel some kind of control. Control over what he is doing in secret from her, that he can in fact keep secrets away from her. He actually can't, since she calls him ungrateful for it, saying that as his mother she deserved to know everything.

Which was the furthest away from true. She didn't know shit about him. And didn't deserve to know shit.

Part of him regrets developing these habits. He wishes he could slap his past self for starting to smoke, because now he doesn't know how he'll survive without nicotine at that school. He's barely holding on now and it's been a few days.

"Dear me child, what have you gotten yourself into?" His mother sighed, her palms resting on her lap as she sat on the chair beside the hospital table.

His mother was a short, skinny woman with her long, brown hair always in a braid and cat-eyed glasses that sat on the bridge of her nose with gold rimming. Small wrinkles appeared underneath her eyes and around her nose, but they weren't that noticeable from afar. She had Kokichi pretty young, at about 24.

He rolled his eyes, folding his arms as he let his head flop back onto the pillow. The pain over the past few days has certainly been more subtle, the only soreness he felt was in his arms occasionally and the migraines. "Well, you've seen everything, haven't you?"

His mother, Hikari, looked at him with that stern, annoyed expression, a scoff slipping past her lips. "Of course I have. I don't know what you were thinking Ouma Kokichi, but I am not letting you get away with this. I am responsible for you and I get to decide what's good for you. The decision has been made, you're going to boarding school wether you like it or not. Maybe that'll give you some sense of reality." Hikari folded her arms, waiting for Kokichi's expression to change in some way.

𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 ☆ a saiouma story Where stories live. Discover now