4th of July - 21:58 PM

26 3 0

It turns out that this bowling bar holds everything the men love, except the possibility of getting tattoo's. Poppie is glad with that because after downing her pitcher of beer, she isn't sure if she would decline getting one. With her wedding just fifteen hours away, she can't really litter her body in tattoos just to piss her mother off. Although it would defiantly work, Poppie feels as if she has pissed her off enough for one night judging by the millions of missed phone calls. She imagines them sitting at Henry's making an emergency plan for when she doesn't show up tomorrow. She knows he knows because he's one of the people who is constantly calling her.

Not that it bothers her, no... what's bothering her is that she hasn't scored a single point.

'Come on Poppie!' Harry cheers her on from behind over the loud music Louis is signing along to. She can't really recognize the song now that he's butchering it (which according to Louis is the whole idea of karaoke) but she thinks it's a song her father used to listen too. I did it my way... she sings along in her head holding the pink ball in front of her face before she pushes it backwards and then back to the pins sticking all up in a mocking way. Not one falls down but at least Niall shrieked when the ball hit the wooden floor a bit too hard.

After Poppie and Harry are done with this lane, they're afraid the lane will become unusable because of the many dents.

Their game is almost done and as predictable, Liam holds the first place although Louis still stands a chance. Poppie, Harry and Niall are battling to not come last. Poppie is losing that battle though since Harry got lucky one time and Niall has this special technique where he just walks up to the pins and kicks them with his feet. It works though.

After watching Harry, they walk back in defeat and Louis stands up for the last round. She is getting used to his hands slapping her butt every chance he gets but after getting hit for the fourth time she's sure he's just doing it in hopes she'll return it.

Louis seems pretty proud of his ass.

'That will give me luck,' he says after Poppie hits his bottom and she grins to him.

She's really liking hanging out with them because they are just as stupid as her. They don't care about the way they look or what others might think. They scream and cheer as loud as possible not thinking about the group of teenagers at the lane next to them. It's just one happy bunch and Poppie seems to fit in just fine. After a couple of hours with them she already feels at home.

'So, I was telling you about the time I got shit on,' Niall continues talking to her as if she didn't leave.

'Yeah, tell me all about it,' she returns grabbing her pitcher with umbrella and all sipping from the bitter beer. She likes the taste but she's not allowed to drink it at home.

Beer's for men according to her mother.

'Well I was walking to this meeting I had at a big computer company. There was no cab in sight, the underground was too far away, so I walked. All sweaty and tired I stopped just in front of the copy shop and then...'

He shakes his head and Harry puts his arms around his shoulder.

'This is still a sensitive subject for Niall,' he says in all seriousness. 'The bird shit on his head and I saw it happen since I work at the copy shop.'

'Harry was my savior because if it wasn't for his kindness, I wouldn't have been able to return home, wash my hair and still be in time for the meeting.'

'So what did you do?' Poppie asks Harry.

'I took him upstairs just like we did with you.' He shrugs his shoulders after he releases Nialls.

'And, what happened with the job?'

'I got it!' Niall screams out. Poppie had thought, considering it was a touchy subject, he didn't get the job.

'And a new room,' Harry points out.

'Oh yeah, Harry told me there was a room available and I took it since it was close to my new work.'

'Yup, I think it has been three years ago?' They both look dreamy as they think back to that time and Poppie can only imagine the adventures they have had since.

'And the rest?' She asks because she remembered Harry telling her they were the bird shit club. That must mean they all have been humiliated by a bird in some way.

'Well to me it happened when I was three, I don't remember it. Since then I think it happened five more times.' He thinks about his answer for a second before continuing. 'Last time I got back from a meeting with a record company, I got the deal.'

'So it does bring luck?' Poppie wonders more to herself because she can't really place what kind of luck is awaiting her.

'Fuck yeah,' Louis joins in. 'When I got shit on it was when I still lived on the streets.'

'You lived on the street?' Poppie questions him a bit too loud.

'Yeah, I had a bit of a substance problem but that's all in the past now thanks to that bird.'

'How so?'

'Well, Harry was there of course,' he says as if Poppie is asking a rhetorical question. She could have known though.

'Let me guess,' Poppie says. 'He invited you upstairs and offered you a room?'

'You're learning fast,' Harry laughs.

'And the same for Liam?'

'No, Liam was the one who saved me when I got shit on the first day I arrived in London with nowhere to stay. I considered it bad luck but then Liam helped me and offered me a room and I made it my mission since then to help others. So I helped Niall, Louis and now you!'

'How amazing,' Poppie breathes thinking about deep things like fate and stuff. This must be something like that.

'And lets not forgot Zayn,' Louis says and Harry nods.

'Zayn of course, how can I forget about him? I think he got the most luck.'

'Who is Zayn?' Poppie asks them and Liam is the one to answer.

'I lived in the building first with Zayn. I got shit on one time when I was taking out my laundry, it is how I met Sophia.'

'His girlfriend,' Louis whispers in her ear dragging out the word in a teasing way.

'Yes, my girlfriend. I have known her my whole life from when we lived back in Wolverhampton but she never saw me standing until that bird shit on me of course. Since then we're together. Not much later Zayn got shit on by a bird and he met his finance. Then Harry came and he met us because of it. Then Niall and Louis joined us a bit after. And now you.'

'I wonder what kind of luck it will get me,' Poppie admits to all of them and Liam smiles standing up to play his last round.

'You are getting married tomorrow, you need all the luck you can get!' He pats her on her back and Poppie sinks further in to her seat.

Oh yeah, she thinks, the wedding.

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