5th of July - 11:59 AM

22 1 0

It isn't hard to find a phone booth that is working. Although she is a little stressed about her missing phone, it is also at the very back of her list to stress about. The one on top is shared by two persons; Henry and Mother.

She isn't scared of Henry so she dials their home number knowing that he'll be there.

'Hello?' His voice is rough as if he hasn't slept all night and for a moment she wonders if they reported her missing like in the movies.

'Hey Henry, I am just calling to let you know that I lost my phone after I met up with some friends. I will be back home shortly.'

She sounds as if she's speaking to her boss (if she still had one) apologizing for sleeping in late. If only that was the case.

'Poppie? Oh my god! Do you know how worried we've been?!'

'No?' She knows it is dumb to ask but she can't remember the last time anyone has been worried for her and he's speaking in plural form which excites her.

'Yeah duh!' Henry returns and she rolls her eyes. She always hates when he says 'duh' and he must say it at least fifty times a day. 'I was so worried baby.'

She also hates when he calls her baby. Or babe. Or honey. Or darling.

'Well I am okay.'

'Can you still make it in time?' He asks and in the background she can hear her mother which gives her shivers.

'She better be!' She yells making sure Poppie can hear her, but she decides on just ignoring her before she changes her mind again or does something to make Henry change his mind.

'Of course, if you still want me too...' Poppie hopes that he can hear in the tone of her voice that he should say no because she got a tattoo of another boys name and because she cheated on him with that boy.

'Why wouldn't I want you to?' He wonders with no trace of suspicion in his voice.

This is the moment, she thinks, I should just be honest with him. 'I asked you to marry me for a reason Poppie.'

And the moment is lost.

'I know,' she answers him although she hasn't got a clue why he would want to marry her.

'So can you make it in time? Where are you?'

'Just by my friend's house. I lost my phone so I am going to find it and then I will take a cab to my mother's okay?'

'Which friends?'

'Just some friends from college. You know when I told you about my holiday in Kos? Some of them were there as well,' she quickly lies because then maybe it makes sense to him why she lost her phone and disappeared for the night.

'Those boys were with her in Kos? I knew I made the wrong choice in letting her go to that stupid island!' She hears her mother yell and her suspicion that she's on speaker phone is confirmed and she remembers something else also.

When she went to meet the four hipsters she had to duck under their table to hide from her family. She thought they hadn't seen her but the boys later told her they did but ignored her anyway. Even now it still hurts Poppie.

'It's okay,' Henry quickly interferes knowing that if he doesn't Poppie will freak out. The only difference is that Poppie is tired.

Maybe it is the night she had that she still remembers only fragments of, or maybe Poppie finally matured unlike her mother. 'Just promise you will be here.'

'I promise I will be there in time,' she repeats for what feels like the millionth time to Henry.

His voice is high and painful to listen. Although he isn't the love of her life that doesn't mean Poppie doesn't care about him. He has made her laugh countless times and supported her through many family fights, yet she never treated him right, she sees that now. Now that he's still giving her a chance after going a-wall for a whole night.

'Where have you been?' He asks and again Poppie can't answer him because now that she's outside she isn't quite sure.

'Just another universe,' she laughs but can't help but feel it is the truth. Especially now that she speaks to Henry and he's still there and Harry seems far, far away.

'Don't ever do that again. Your mother is so pissed and I... I thought you didn't want to marry me.'

I don't, she thinks.

'Of course I want too,' she assures him. 'I'll be there as soon as I have things sorted out here. See you at four.'

Before she hangs up she hears her mother scream to come on the phone with her but she doesn't have the strength to do it. Poppie is so mad at herself that when she starts to walk back to the little park, she can't help but sit down and just for a second enjoy the sun.

It's the perfect weather for a wedding. Not too warm, not too cold. A bright blue sky and a little breeze. She can picture herself in her white dress but when she looks at who is waiting for her at the end of the lane it isn't Henry.

With a sigh she gets up from the bench overthinking her life and the decisions she has made. They are all wrong and the only one she made that was right was saying yes to Henry. It was the only time her mother cried pride tears for her. It was the only time she beat her sister at something. It was what she thought made her happy as well but as she walks through the park she keeps doubting it just like she did the day before. She just can't remember what decision she made at the end of the night. If only she could remember again what exactly happened.

Not that it matters anyway, because today her decision is to marry Henry and as if the gods have an opinion on it as well, a bird shits right on her chest, just missing her head by inches and all her frustrations comes out as she screams.

'Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!'

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