5th of July - 10:45 AM

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'It's impossible to not remember us,' the blonde guy speaks. 'It's us Poppie. We had the most amazing night together.'

'Who are you then?' She needs to know their names in order to address them properly. If she ever wants clothes she better get her facts straight.

'Niall?' Like the Harry guy he asks her as if she should know. She doesn't understand why though.

'Okay, and the rest of you?'

'I'm Louis,' the guy who spoke the most says and he nods to the other guy with brown eyes. 'That's Liam.'

'And I am Harry. Or should I say Henry or Harold?' He's clearly pissed about this all and Poppie starts to think about him deeply.

She remembers his eyes and she remembers the butterfly tattoo. She just doesn't remember how the hell she ended up here or if they slept together.

'Henry is my fiancé,' she tells them thinking it is something unknown to them but instead Liam whispers a soft 'we know' and they all fall on the couch sighing deeply.

'It's basically what the whole night was about,' Liam explains further and she urges him with her eyes to go on since she can't really use her hands. 'We met outside that fancy place where you were with your mother and sisters I believe. You ran out but then a bird shit on you and we, well Harry saw it and invited you over.'

Something starts to dawn on Poppie but in all honesty, her patience is gone. All she wants is some clothes and to return home to face Henry and mother. Then get married and live her depressing future.

'Okay... that sounds really legit.' She hopes she doesn't sound as sarcastic as she feels. 'Now can you please get me some clothes?'

'Sure love,' Liam says standing up from the couch to leave her alone with three men. Two staring at her and it isn't the one she supposedly slept with. He's watching Liam leave and lets his eyes linger there to make sure to not look at naked Poppie.

'Can you two please turn around?'

'If you say our names.' The dark one dares her.

'Louis and Niall.'

'And mine?' The voice of Harry is small and fragile and Poppie can't help the feeling rushing over her to go over and comfort him. It is rooted deep in her and it frightens her so much that she gives the wrong name on purpose.

'Harold,' she says praying she gets to leave soon to save what is left of her life.

'Bitch,' he mutters and he gets up from the couch to walk passed her back to his room. He makes sure not to touch her and the feeling washes over her again.

Thankfully Liam returns to the living room with her clothes that she gratefully accepts and with a heavy stomach she walks back to the bed room where she woke up. It's the only room she knows here and since Harry clearly already saw her naked she quickly starts to dress trying not to be bothered by his presence.

'Glad to be back in your expensive clothing?'

'Did a bird really shit on it?' She counters back not feeling the need to answer his snide remark.

'Of course. Or I wouldn't have invited you here.'

'Did we really have sex?'

Poppie is starting to remember some things from the night before. She suddenly can picture the world map they use as a shower curtain and she saw the twister game in the living room. She knows she thought this blouse was ruined. Still she can't puzzle it all together.

'I can't believe you can't remember it. It was the best,' he says looking up from his bed to her.

'I do remember something and you have to be honest about it okay?'

Harry seems to gain some light in his eyes again as he sits up straight, glad some of her memory is coming back to her.

'Did I... Did I lick your butterfly tattoo?'

Her cheeks turn red when she asks because if she did, it must be the most horrendous thing she has ever done.

'You licked me everywhere and I licked you everywhere as well. You are very sensitive here,' Harry tells her as he touches her thighs ever so slightly. She can't help but squeeze them together at the sensation his words and subtle touch have on her. 'But yeah. You started marking it. It's called Poppie.'

That part of the night becomes clear to her again. She remembers laying down under Harry during a game of twister, she remembers his kisses, she remembers that but there are still so many black holes to be filled up.

'That's a coincidence,' she lies because she remembers naming it. She just doesn't want to admit because she's afraid if she does she might stay here and analyze the tattoos he has until eternity.

Harry smiles softly though, as if he can see right through her. 'You don't like tattoos anymore?'

'Why are you asking?'

'You seemed to like them last night,' he explains but she keeps frowning.

'Remember truth or dare?' He asks her standing up from the bed to level himself to her height.

His naked body is still surprisingly beautiful and much too close to her as he backs her up against the wall.

'I don't,' she mutters.

'Well you said that I was a better kisser than Henry.' He looks rather proud of that and Poppie can't help but look like he's probably right about that since kissing isn't Henry's best skill. 'You must remember a kiss?'

'Maybe,' she whispers her voice barely there. 'What's the point of that?'

'You must know that what you said is true then.'

'Well, probably. In all honestly it is quite easy to beat him,' she says because there's no point in denying it any longer. He has her trapped anyway.

'That's precisely what you said last night.'

'So what's the point?' She's starting to get impatience again. If this is about stealing a kiss from her then she rather just wants to get it over with. As soon as he tastes her, he will stop anyway.

'You asked for a dare.'

'And?' She rolls her eyes and tries to push Harry away with her hands on his shoulders but he's much stronger than her.

'You did it,' he whispers in her ear and even that brings some images back of last night. Images just like the one where she licks his butterfly that she tries hard to block out.

'What was it then?' Her voice cracks as her feelings are mixed with arousal and annoyance. A fucking awful combination.

'To get a tattoo.'

Her hands drop, her stomach drops and Harry drops his power as he stumbles back laughing at her.

She was wrong when she thought things couldn't get any worse.

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