4th of July - 23:26 PM

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'Maybe we should have sang 'Blame it on the alcohol'', Poppie laughs as they stroll back to the bench where Liam is laying on Niall's lap who in turn strokes his hair.

Louis eagerly stands up with bright eyes as he sees they're done once again. After 'Timber' came 'Give me everything' and after that 'I know you want me'. It is clear that they share a mutual love for Pitbull although they struggled with the rapping parts. At first the plan was to take a shot at every error but if they had stick to that plan, they would have been in a coma by now.

Although they are struggling with the small stroll back, which literally consists out of three steps but feels like a hundred, a coma is still far away.

Poppie's mind is clouded and foggy and she barely feels Louis hand slap her ass nor Harry's hand softly caressing the sour spot after. She registers it, but doesn't act on it like she should. His hand lingers there for a moment too long and he too realizes she is too tipsy to care.

'You seem different,' Liam says when they sit down next to him.

It looks like they played the game a little too well and Niall even looks a bit green as his hand mindlessly keeps patting Liam's hair who closes his eyes right after he looks to Harry and Poppie.

'Poppie?' Harry asks just to be sure and Liam nods his head softly. 'I thought so as well. It's only half an hour and then she's going back to her real life.'

Poppie doesn't like that Harry reminds her of her faith when she just forgot about it in her cloudy mind.

'Why would you go back to your real life when you can have this life?' Niall wonders after a burp. 'Even when feeling sick, I still take this over a life full of misery.'

'It's not that bad,' Poppie defends herself but she knows Niall is right.

She could find a job and become the new member of the bird shit club. She won't need her parents and she wouldn't miss her sisters. Just thinking about it makes her close her eyes in a way others do when they think about a much needed imaginary holiday to the Bahamas.

It's all she needs but she's too scared to do it. Even after a unenclosed number of vodka.

'Right,' Liam snorts opening his eyes again. 'You look better now than you did when we found you.'

'Well, I hope so considering I was covered in bird shit,' she laughs lightly but she starts to feel more and more like she is really making a great mistake if she continues with tomorrows activities.

'That's not it,' Liam points out without much of a hassle.

They all know what he means, even Louis who is singing 'How deep is your love' although Poppie isn't sure if he sometimes mistakes the lyrics 'for how big is my dick' just to take another shot. She's happy when the music changes to Queen's 'Don't stop me now'. It's a bit less depressing.

They keep quiet and Poppie slouches down against Harry who wraps his arm around her. Both in deep thought, Harry copies Niall's behavior and starts to draw circles on her upper arm. She wonders if Liam feels the same when Niall does it.

Poppie feels all warm, rosy and loved. Her stomach contracts and she closes her eyes as she enjoys the feeling.

'Maybe we should return home,' Liam says after a while and Poppie groans.

Their home isn't hers and even though she agreed to enjoy their company till midnight, she can't help the disappointment over the fact that it is almost over.

She made a deal with herself and she needs to stick to it or she might do something god has forbidden.

If only she wasn't so undecided all the god damn time.

'Can I come with you guys?' She asks almost scared for the answer and she waits with baited breath.

'If that means that I proved you wrong,' Harry whispers in her ear and his breath tickles against her skin.

She's very much aware of Harry's heavy body pressed against hers, of his hand caressing her sensitive arm and his warm breath and still she doesn't turn him down. It feels much better than when Henry touches her.

Sure, when they first started dating she enjoyed his touches but that feeling soon faded and now they barely even do it. When they go to bed these days, she makes sure there is a wall of pillows to make sure there's no contact. It's sad, Poppie realizes as she cuddles up to Harry.

For some reason she thinks life will never turn for the bad with Harry and with the bird shit club, it will never be as dull as with the family she has now.

So she decides to stick with them.

'For now,' she says and she feels Harry's cheek rise as he smiles.

'Let's go then,' Liam announces and once again they all obey and are put into motion by his voice.

Louis finally stops singing and Niall and Liam stand up from the seats. Harry and Poppie do the same but the difference is that Poppie this time finds Harry fingers to intertwine them with her own.

'Let's just blame it on the alcohol,' Harry whispers in her ear again and this time she is sure she feels his tongue just a little bit. Or maybe the vodka is making her imagine things she wants to be there. Either way, a heat spreads through her whole body, igniting and burning all reason to not leave with them and call a cab. It's the final straw and she gives in to Harry.

He already gave in to her when he saw the bird shit on her head. It was faith, Harry had thought, and he needed to find out if it was true. He knows now it was.

'It's almost midnight,' Liam says as they all wait outside of the building waiting for another small cab to bring them home.

Poppie and Harry already figured so much and he counts the last seconds of the 4th of July away ready to give the 5th of July another meaning than her wedding day.

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