The beginging (1)

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Shut up" I thought it was something I said to myself often to make the thoughts just stop. Everyday is the same I go to school and I'm there physically but not mentally. I just want my life to end. I'm so quiet but my mind is louder then anyone else.

"Kill your self"
"Hurt yourself"
"You don't deserve life"
"No one would miss you"
"Your worthless"

These were all thoughts that clouded my mind. Maybe I should Hurt myself nobody really seemed to like me anyways.

"Hey!" a voice that seems to be the voice keeping me alive shouts it was my long time friend Jonah. Jonah and I had been friends since 1st grade I was now in 7th grade. He was their for me on my first day of school. Which I was afraid of. Anything that involves new people terrified me. Sometimes I think the world hates me to have let me be born like this.

"How's your brother been?" A qustion I've grown tired of hearing it reminded me that I may never hear my brother's voice again. You see my brother was stabbed at a bar a few week back and he's been in a coma since. My parents tell me to be hopeful but I've overheard the docters tell my parents he most likely won't make it. It upsets me. He was one of the only reason I could stand going home.

My parents were seen as average people. They make average amounts of money and have average house but I don't really like them they yell at me over things out of my control they hit me too. I've just grown to ignore it.

"Fine" I responded coldly Jonah looked at you woridly

"Are you sure beacuse if you wanna talk-" luckily he was cut off by the bell I of course didn't give him a chance to finish talking and ran off to class.

I took off to first period which was gym. I hated it. To be fair their wasn't any class I didn't hate. I got to the locker rooms and changed into my clothes I walk to my class and a girl with red hair and clear glasses walk up to me.

"Hey! I'm new and I'm giving you the honor of showing me around"
"Bold" i thought but didn't say "no" I responded as I walked away.

"H hey wait! Come back please!" She yelled. I sighed "yes?" I asked giving her a chance. "I'm sorry please show me around." She said as she let out a sigh "it's not easy being the new kid."

"Fine. Meet me their at lunch time" I said pointing to a lunch table. "Kay Thanks!" She responded before walking off happily.

"Strange" I thought as I ran a lap. All of the sudden I trip. I look up to see the one and only. Jason. He bullies me alot. He's another reason why I can't stand life.

"Watch where ur going freak" he hisses I just stand up and continue running he looks at me with an angry face.

"HEY get back here!" He yells running to catch up to me. "Where do you think your going!" He says as he puts his foot in front of me causing me to trip falling on my hand causing it to bleed. I didn't mind however I already had many cuts and bruises on me I was bleeding on my stomache already. I just ignored it and started running again

"Ugh what a loser this is why ur brother's dying" he says laughing suddenly i feel myself get angry and sad at the same time

"Shut the fuck up you sick human being!" I yell angrily before I begin crying. Suddenly I regret my actions. As I run away past the teacher into a bathroom and lock myself in.

I suddenly start to panic and look around as I become more afraid and start shaking terribly. I look around and spot a window leading out side. It was locked. Luckily I knew how to pick a lock so I do so. I run out of the school still in tears attempting to not be seen. I couldn't go home all my friends were in school I left all my belongings. So with that being said I decided to walk to the park I could use the air and the park should be empty.

I walk to the park finally calming down. I think about how badly I messed up and all the consequences I will face when I get back. For snapping like that then breaking out of the school.

Suddenly I look up realizing I was there. I walk to the swings and just stay there throughout the day I walk around to other parts of the park until it gets dark.

"My parents are probably looking for me." I thought "or maybe they don't even care." I thought about going home for a bit but then decided not to. I needed somewhere to stay. I decided to walk to Jonah's house but then realized I could get him in trouble as well. So here i was no where to go. There was no way I could go home now my parents would hate me.

"What to do..."


lol its all over the place now but I hope it makes sense in the future 

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