old and new friend(2)

16 1 0


I'm gay
Anways girls name is eliza main character lol


"Hey eliza!" I look back and see a girl. Red hair. Must be the new girl from earlier though she was not wearing ur glasses wait how'd she know my name I never told her. I dont even know hers.

"Eliza what happend today?" She asked i didnt know how to respond i didn't want to tell her my breathing began to get heavy as I panicked. The world kept spinning.i started to hear voices calling me a freak and loser which is the reaction I expec if I tell her.

"Stop spinning"
"Stop it"
"Shut up"
"Leave me alone

I didn't realize it at first but I had screamed the last thing out loud.
"Eliza are you alright!?" I hear a familiar voice call out not the red haired girl but Jonah. I didn't respond. I couldn't. I felt like I was gonna die. "I attempted to make another run for it. Jonah caught me. I wasn't fast enough to sneak away again.

"Just go home you guys you'll only get in trouble if your with me."

"Why would we get in trouble" The red haired gril asked Jonah not in agreement with what she asked.

"Cuz i may or may not have left school through a bathroom window and have not made an appearance at home." I say eyes shut to scared to see their expressions they probably think I'm a loser.

"Eliza... you should go home your parents are probably worried" Jonah told me you see to Jonah my parents love me more than anything. They are some of the nicest people ever.

You see they tend to put on an act when around other people they act kinder to them and myself. They would kill me if I told anyone what they do.

"Yeah..." Jonah looked at me concerned eyes. "Do you need me to walk you home?" He asked me.

"No! Theirs no way your parents would let you at this hour!" I told him he looked at me in defeat. "Well my parents wouldn't care!"

I turn around to see the red hair girl. "Great." I smile weakly at her.

We leave for my home it was quiet at first then she attempted to start a conversation.

"So.. uh Oh! I never told you my name im Ezra!" I smile at her.

Am I smiling too much?
AmI annoying her?
Does she regret offering to walk home with me?
Does she hate me?

"So eliza how long have you known jonah. He's the one who told me your name"

"Since the first grade." I responded blankly.
"Cool. How'd you meet"

"Oh its a funny story we were put in the same class in the 1st grade and he called me a weirdo so I punched him in the face. We didn't become friends until like half way through the year when we were put toghther as parthners for a dinosaur research project and we had a lot in common." I laugh when I finish the story smilling and I notice the red hair girl smiling back.

I blush embarrassed and look away. "What about you why did you move schools."

"Well my dad sort of died but he was barely around anyways and pretty much just gave us money for the bills then left. I dont really miss him anways after he died my mom decided to move back here which is where she grew up or something"

"Oh I'm sorry"

Is she made at me?
Is she annoyed?
Was I not meant to ask that question?
She definitely hates me.

"Nah it fine lol" she smiles i haven't really noticed but she's really pretty. Her eyes are nice and her hair is cute.

Oh. We've arrived.
"This is my stop you can just go i can go from here bye!"

I walk up to the house nervously.
I open the door. No one's home. I sigh I  relif as I walk to my room. You see sometimes my mom and dad will spend a night in the hotel "toghther" although in reality they will get two rooms and both are cheating on eachother in their rooms. I dont care. I think it would acutally be better if they had just gotten a divorce already one less thing they would be angry about.

A/n Yo bitches im back lol I have no writing motivation lohahahahahaha I'm losing it

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